Retired Moderator
We have another bunn arriving at the end of August<fingers crossed for luck>
so that will make 5 bunns in total for us. So I have gone back to looking for ways to cut costs--again!
We found a lady who has agreed to sell us baled hay one bale at a time for $3 each. The hay is super fresh and is an assortment of grassy hays...the bunns go wild for it! Since we use it for litterboxes and stuff too we go thru quite a bit...we were literally spending $100 a month on hay from the petstore! They must miss our business! lol
A bale lasts us about 3 months right now! Nice!
On the weekend just past we were at the farmers market in St. Jacobs here in Ontario. I noticed that alot of the customers were asking for the merchants/farmers to remove the greens from their veg. So I approached 5 different vendors. Of those 5, 1 has agreed to supply me with as many carrot tops as I want for free since they just go to waste anyway. (I did offer to pay however since it seemed rude not to at least offer!) The other vendor has lettuce, radish tops, celery tops, and other bits of greens that are removed before they put the produce out!(again for free!!!) I literally walked out of the market with 2 grocery bags full of carrot tops...and a 2 footX 2 foot box of veggie greens! We figured that a large portion of the greens would be beyond use since they were cast offs...but they were in perfect shape...none rotten or over ripe...just not attractive for display! We usually spend $30-$40 dollars a week on greens for the kids and this is going to help loads!:shock:
Just a thought for anyone wanting to cut costs a little! Now if I could just find less expensive bunn pellets!
On the weekend just past we were at the farmers market in St. Jacobs here in Ontario. I noticed that alot of the customers were asking for the merchants/farmers to remove the greens from their veg. So I approached 5 different vendors. Of those 5, 1 has agreed to supply me with as many carrot tops as I want for free since they just go to waste anyway. (I did offer to pay however since it seemed rude not to at least offer!) The other vendor has lettuce, radish tops, celery tops, and other bits of greens that are removed before they put the produce out!(again for free!!!) I literally walked out of the market with 2 grocery bags full of carrot tops...and a 2 footX 2 foot box of veggie greens! We figured that a large portion of the greens would be beyond use since they were cast offs...but they were in perfect shape...none rotten or over ripe...just not attractive for display! We usually spend $30-$40 dollars a week on greens for the kids and this is going to help loads!:shock:
Just a thought for anyone wanting to cut costs a little! Now if I could just find less expensive bunn pellets!