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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
I harnessed up Dusty AND the little one(re-named from Amber to Narnia, because she posesses a magicalsweetness :D..Will try to get pics soon!) and took the twooutside. The grass was freshly cut and Narnia went straight to work ontrimming the grass a bit more. Dogs woofed, squirrels chattered, butnone of it bothered Narnia, while Dusty on othe other hand looked likea deer in a spotlight! He stood straight up, *STOMP! (danger!)*STOMP!!* Lol, it was at alittle poodle in the neighbor'syard. Heehee, Narnia was so fearless..Anyway, what I wanted to ask is,are there any dangerous things that grow in a yard that a rabbit (or 12week old bunny) shouldn't be allowed to eat? She went after clovers anddandillions, which I understand are okay? (In "Bambi" Thumber's momwanted him to eat clovers, so I assumed they were allowable rabbit food*grin* ) But I want to ask you before relying on Disney ;)Ithought at first that only the right plants would taste good to her,but then I saw her eating a long, weedy thing with prickers at it'sbase. I plucked her up and set her a few feet away from it. So, arethere any do's and don'ts of Yard Food?
The bunny cheat sheet (stickied topic) saiddandelion is fine, and clover, but it specified whiteclover.

As long as you haven't treated your yard with any chemicals, the grass should be fine.


OMG, do you know how I can tell the difference?These were just regular green colored clovers (the "lucky" kind) Sheate a bunch of them! The list of rabbit foods states that white isgood, but red is poisonous, I have no idea which ones these were. (doeswhite and red not refer to the color of the plant?)
Thanks for posting to this, Laura.

My computer locked up and I had to reboot.

Are they referring to the entire clover plant and flower....or just the flower , when they say it is unsafe??

That's what I was trying to find out when my PC messed up.

On "The Cheat Sheet" under "Safe Foods forRabbits", white clover is listed, but it doesn't say leaves or flowers,so I'm assuming they're both safe?

Buck Jones wrote: of help if you scrolled to the proper category.

I went back again and looked at the list,

Safe foods:

Clover, WHITE


Clover, RED

The question was if it meant the entire plant.

Since it is listed under "Foods" and not "Flowers" I would then assume that it means the entire plant.


She chowed down on the leaves...I would thinkthat if it tastes good, it's probably okay. She LOVED them,along with the dandilions. Dusty was hesitant to try the dandilions,but ever since I gave him a piece of cereal, he trusts me anything Iput in front of him (takes a little nibble first though before divingin :p)

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