Got sssssooooooo aggravated on Easter at something i saw

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
We went to my mother in laws house, and my sister in laws were there with my nieces and nephews and it was nice. My father in law passed away in October , so it is always so nice to get together with everyone. So we were all sitting out on the porch after eating dinner , digesting our dinner so that we can have desert, and that is when i felt like screaming!!!!!!!!!! Some background, my MIL has a neighbor that is a drug addict, not even a year ago she gave birth to twin boys, when she went in the hospital she signed the "baby" over , she was going to give him up, well then she had TWINS, so the original paper work apparently was null and void. She had the babies taken off of her and she went into a rehab type home and told if she left her kids would be taken off of her forever, well within a week she left. FAST FORWARD to yesterday, she is pregnant AGAIN. She was sitting out on the porch with her, whoever he is, and at one point she pulled up her shirt and was rubbing her belly, well then i saw it, she pulled out a BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!! A beer that she would finally drink, my mother in law told me she sits out back of my MIL's house and smokes Pot, and she has heard of other drugs that she is doing.
(now the things she has heard are hear say really, but watching her guzzle the beer, and my mother in law Seeing her smoking pot are NOT hear say)

Now one hand I do feel bad for her , because being addicted to drugs is a sickness, and i get that , but i also am so mad and wanted to get up and shake her,lol, because of the ireversable damage that she is doing to that unborn baby, and the damage that was done to the twins because of her drinking and drug habbit.

My day was going so good, and then i saw that and it just put a bummer on the day :*( If things go according to the way then went before , she will be tested wehn she gives birth and if she comes up positive they will take the baby away, but at that point the damage has already been done, but hopefully it will all work out in the end. I am done i just had to whine
God that's awful.

It's hard for people without addiction to understand the hold it has on people. I see someone the size of a bus, and the first thing that goes through my mind is 'how??', but then I realise hang on, Obesity stems from mental conditions, just like anorexia- both are eating disorders.

Then again, I always thought Pot as a sort drug. You don't hear of people shunning their family and breaking into places in a frenzy cos they want a bit of pot, do you? (I might be wrong).

Thing is.......if she has problems, then thats fine and she obviously needs help for it...but there is such thing as using protection.

If she can't stop the drinking etc. then she shouldn't have's really not that hard to take a pill every day etc. That's what annoys me most.

Well done for not saying anything- sometimes it can be hard, especially when there is a baby/animal involved. But what can u do? :(
Of all of the stupid and selfish things you can do, THAT is my number one. HOW can you act like that when you are responsible for another LIFE? When you are pregnant you are that baby's everything... It's air, it's water, it's food, it's place to grow and be nurtured. And you go and drink and do illegal drugs? Seriously? Because there are NO studies saying how bad it is for a fetus to be exposed to that, no stastistics, no organizations for education on the subject, not one anywhere! *rolls eyes* And they still do it!

I'm sorry but addiction is no excuse. When you are pregnant it's not all about you anymore. It's not about if you WANT to get clean. It's about stepping up and being a good mother and getting off whatever drugs you are on or like to do recreationally (since weed is not addictive). Fight your "demons" or whatever, but effing DO it. Don't sit there and go "Well it's too hard". Ultimately that poor innocent baby who has not spent one moment out in the world is suffering and is going to pay for her mistakes. Not even born yet and doomed to a plethora of medical issues. It's sick.

One of my older sister's smoked before she found out she was pregnant. The DAY she found out she was pregnant, she quit. Cold turkey. And guess what, she's never picked up another one since.
I can totally understand your view. It still is mine, but w/ a twist. Addiction is a strange thing. You don't care about anyone else. I watch all those shows and have learned alot about it. Kinda like a woman who stays with a man who beats her, afraid to leave? or addicted to pain? Never heard that till recently, a friend of mine thinks another friend of mine in danger is addicted to pain. Who knows. That person knows. I agree that to keep getting preg is completely ridiculous. There's a worse problem, it seems.:(

(PS mods: I can't spell rediculous or diahearra so, if you see it, please correct, thanks, lol.)
My sister that just had her twins had a pain killer addiction with her oldest.

The minute she found out she check herself into rehab. I am talking she disappeared for three month and came home big as a house.

We where all like really. She was clean and has never picked up another pain killer even after her three c sections she just took over the counter tylenol and such.

she is a great mom anyone can do it. She always calls jazz her life savor if jazz had not come along I don't think shena would be here today.

Point is Pain killers are very hard to get off of. But if you love your child you can do it. Its a matter of will and the drive to get things taken care of.

A addict is always a addict. But you can change your behavior. Its up to you. If that lady really wanted her twins and now this baby she would do something about it.
The sad thing about this, or any pregnant women who are doing drugs or drinking is you cant do anything about it, it is not illegal to not take care of yourself when you are pregnant. Unless they get caught with or doing illegal drugs there is nothing that can be done, i think it should be illegal to put that stuff in your body when you have a human being growing in there. There are precautions that can be taken before hand and there are things that can be done afterwards (not that i am for or against any of it) but to get pregnant and then continue with the pregnancy, doing whatever the heck you want!!!!!!!! MAN!!!!!

But i have to get a thicker skin, I will be getting into foster care soon and stuff like this happens ALOT!!!!!

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