Cute little firebelly you have there!
IMO, you might want to make some changes to its environment. It's a pretty set-up right now, but I think it's going to be difficult to keep suitably clean, and it has some basic issues that I worry about.
My suggestions would be:
- Divide the tank with a plastic/glass divider to make a land area and water area, or get a storage container about half of the tank's length that would snugly fit the inside of the tank as the water area. While gravel works, it also can be very hard to keep appropriately clean, needing to be frequently removed and rinsed. This tends to become a big PITA, so it's easier to just have fully seperate land and water areas.
- Consider a small frog-safe filter for the water area. They tend to muck up their water quicky, and stagnant water in general is a popular breeding ground for gram negative bacteria.
- Consider coconut fiber for the land area. Right now gravel is the land area, and it is an ingestion (and thus impaction) risk.
- Provide hides on the land area. Like all amphibians, these guys feel most comfortable if they have a dark, quiet place to escape to. Corkbark, coconut huts, etc. all work well. I'd also consider using some silk plant leaves from a craft store (soak overnight and do not use if leeching color) to make "leaf litter," as many frogs/toads like to nestle under it.
The link provided by LV is good, so definitely give it a read. You may also want to join a frog/toad forum; has some really experienced FBT owners who might be able to give you some helpful input.