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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
As some of you may know..

My brother's girlfriend is pregnant. She's due December 23 so that would mean she's almost 6 months along. She's gotten pretty large, He stomach is down low.. So witch means its most likely a boy. But she got the signs of wether or not its a boy or girl, and by her answers.. it's a girl. So they wen't to the ultrasound not knowing what it is. I was hoping a girl, mostly because i'm the god mother.. And my name would be added to the girls name . They picked two names, Faith for a girl. I asked them why they din't spell it Fayth ( I liked the Y ) and she said, 'because if its a girl she han but a heart on the I' . Okay fair enough. Then they piced Dawson for a boy. I wasn't to happy about it. It's an old name, and really no nicknames (For Faith is Fay ).

They came over before going to the ultrasound, They din't want to know at first. Then I changed their mind, because im buying the stroller set and I really don't want to get pink for a boy. They called two minutes ago. It's a ..

nice stoller set. but your posts with #3 & #4 don't have anythingother than the numbers;)

i like baby boys and baby girls equally:biggrin2:.
Congrats to them! A little boy! So exciting! :D


My best friend is having a girl in January and I'm so excited about it! She's gonna get the cutest ever baby clothes! You must be so excited!

I can't work out how to add a poll to the thread now it's posted, so either I'm missing it somewhere or it's not possible to edit it in.... sorry! But you can start a new one with the poll in if you want :)


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