New Member
Hello! New member here from Atlanta. Proud owner of a roughly 3-year old Mini Rex who "found" me one day. I was taking out the trash when I saw her in my front yard. I knew instantly with her coloring that she was not a "wild" bunny. I went inside to find something to lure her into my garage with, and being a guinea pig owner, I of course grabbed a carrot. I put it under my car figuring she'd go to it and feel safe under there, which worked perfectly. I managed to finally get her into my garage, where I gave her water and hay. We at first fostered her through the House Rabbit Society of North Georgia, but having 5 kids, I knew there was no way we weren't going to keep her! She kept "spraying" me at first after becoming comfortable with me, so I guess she claimed me as her male mother. After a vet visit to get her neutered and checked out for a minor ear abrasion, she was ours to keep! We named her Grace. We litter box trained her and have always given her free roam in our downstairs area (bunny proofed). She's by far the most tame rabbit I have ever experienced. She will come up to me, twist through my legs, and gently nibble the back of my pants if I'm not petting her! Before my wife and I had kids we were avid pet owners and even bred guinea pigs for a while (I even had a 5 1/2 foot long green iguana). We had a Mini Lop back then who wasn't the friendliest bunny, and a pet store owner suckered us into keeping a very young Mini Rex who lost a back leg due to being in a small wire cage. He unfortunately only lived I think less than a year, so he probably was a victim of bad breeding or illness. I have some video of him that's really sad to go back and watch. He was full of life and would hop around the best he could, although it was mostly in circles.
Be sure to check the general bunny forum, because I'm going to post a funny video I did called "Bunny Got Back" (yes, a Sir Mix-a-Lot parody).
Be sure to check the general bunny forum, because I'm going to post a funny video I did called "Bunny Got Back" (yes, a Sir Mix-a-Lot parody).