The mini lop rabbit is a very popular breed in the UnitedStates. They are known for their floppy ears, as well as theirlaid-back personality. Mini lops are used as pets and show mostly, andare popular in the ARBA (or American Rabbit Breeders Association).
The mini lop originated in Germany, and were known as the KeinWidder. The Kein Widder was a cross breeding between a chinchillarabbit and a German lop. When this breed arrived in America the brokencolor pattern in the breed was created by mixing a standard chinchillarabbit and broken French lop created broken colors. The breed wasdiscovered in 1974, and a man named Bob Herschbach showed the firstpair ever in a A.R.B.A. show in California, where soon after the breedname was changed to the mini lop. In 1980, the Mini Lop breed wasaccepted by the ABRA as a breed because of several dedicated breeders.
As with all rabbits, a proper nutrition is required for mini lops. Theyshould receive 4oz to 6oz of a well-balanced commercial pellet eachday. The pellet should have a protein content of 14-17%, a fibercontent of 18-24%, and a fat content of around 3%. If the protein istoo high or the fiber is too low, the rabbit could have diarrhea. Freshhay should be provided at all times for your rabbit. Timothy or a mixedgrass hay is recommended, but alfalfa hay can be fed but in limitedamounts due to the high amount of protein. Hay should not be moldy orwet. The diet should be supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruit.Vegetables such as dark, leafy greens like kale, romaine lettuce, andmustard greens are suitable, as well as carrots, broccoli, and celery.Fresh fruits, in small amounts, such as apples, strawberries, andbanana are suitable as well, but should be limited due to their highsugar content. Lactating and pregnant does require special dietaryattention.
A habitat for a rabbit should be large enough for a rabbit to stand up,run, and feel comfortable. A 24 x 24 is a minimal cage size for amini lop. Inside the cage a feeder, a water bottle, basic toys, ahayrack, and a box or area to hide in. Outdoor hutches usually havepans underneath wire that will slide out for easy cleaning. However, ifno pan is provided, shavings should be used as bedding in the cage.Carpet and cedar shaving should be avoided. Rabbits can be littertrained and learn fairly quickly. A litter pan with wood pellets orshavings will make a suitable litter box.
Some basic care includes trimming nails every six weeks or so. Nailsshould not be so long that they curl. When trimming nails, avoidclipping the quick. If an accident occurs where the quick is cut, usestylic powder to stop the bleeding, or simple flour works well as well.Mini lops should be brushed daily while shedding. If a mini lop ingeststoo much fur, a blockage can be created which can be a serious ailment.Rabbits also require at least an hour a day of exercise outside oftheir cage.
Male rabbits meet sexual maturity around 6-10 months, while femalesreach maturity around 4-9 months of age. Seven to eleven litters canusually be produced during this time. The gestation period in a doe is29-35 days, and does can usually produce four to ten kits. Kits weigh30-80 grams and are weaned between four and six weeks of age. Doescreate nests in which they will kindle their kits. It is suggested thata box of some sort should be provided for the doe, along with extrahay. Female mini lops have a flab of skin underneath their chins calleda dewlap. Does usually pull fur from their dewlap as well as belly tocreate a warmer nest.
Mini lops can be obtained by reputable breeders, rabbit shows or fairs,shelters and humane societies, or pet stores. However, you must becareful when selecting a rabbit from a pet store, be sure to avoid sickrabbits. It is best to have a breeder sex your rabbit, as it is hard totell at a young age between a buck and doe.
It is highly suggested that buck mini lops should be neutered, and doemini lops should be spayed. This makes a friendly rabbit, a rabbit thatis easier to litter train, and a rabbit that can be bonded with anotherfixed rabbit of the opposite sex. Mini lops, and all rabbits, aresusceptible to GI stasis