Gonna let Free Roam in Living Room First Time..

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo, New York, USA
Im gonna let Shadow run in our living room for the first time 2morrow. Other then wires and such, is there anything else I should pick up/keep him from? Or any suggestions and things I should expect?
Well - expect lots of poops to mark territory and stuff....that always happens a lot.

Watch the edges of the couch for chewing - the walls too - like baseboard and wallpaper if it is at all loose. Any wooden furniture? Watch to make sure the rabbit doesn't chew it.

I'd make sure to have some toys around to distract the rabbit...like maybe a crumpled up piece of newspaper you can toss or an empty toilet paper roll or an old phone book for shredding...

I'd say make sure to have a branch or something in case your rabbit wants to chew once its settled down - BUT - it is so hard to be sure that it hasn't been sprayed with pesticides or something....

That's all I can think of right now - but I'd be sure you're there the whole time the rabbit is free roaming so you can see what things attract them that might be dangerous for them.


P.S. Put up the remote - they LOVE to chew on buttons...
LOL the remote thing I new. My moms ex had a bunnie that lived with us, we still have and use the remote that bunnie chewed up. Thnx for all the tips I woulda never thought to try and distract him with phone book lol.
My rabbit chews the handles of handbags and any small straps or laces of shoes so you might want to remove things like that. Rabbits love to go under things, like sofas and chairs, but often when they are under there they will get settled and poop a bit and it can be difficult to clean up if the furniture cannot be moved easily so you might want to block off spaces like that. The corners of books may also get chewed if they are lying around.
Hi Shadows_Girl,

Make sure all house plants are out of reach - the buns love to snack and most aren't good for them.

I also recently let my rabbit move out of his small room into the living for free roaming. And i'm not sure how large yours is but i was amazed at how he could fit into spaces that I didn't expect. I lost him the other day and heard scuffling in our entertainment center. I opened the DVD drawer (which was closed) and there he was! One thing I would do is get outlet covers. I don't know about your rabbit, but mine loves to stick his tongue in small spaces and check them out. He also loves licking the heater grates.
From experience I would block off all gaps where your bun can get into!


When I let my rabbit in the living room for the first time, something scared her and she ran behind the tv cabinet and cupboards. She got stuck and we had to unplug all the tv and wires, and take all the draws out of the cabinet and take the whole thing out just to get the bunnie back! I tell you it was so much hard work! And also It was even harder trying to remember which plug goes in where on the TV!

But other than that everything should be fine! :D
LOL those are some funny stories. Thnx for all the tips. I didnt get a chance to bring him out today bc I have to figure out how exactly were gonna do it. I need to find away to block off the dinning room from the living room bc there isnt a wall/door there. And we need to keep 2 of our cats away from him. So lots of thinking, planning and creativity is gotta go into it lol. Thnx again!
