Well-Known Member
I'll be gone for the weekend (judging shows) --so don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring their post or PM. I shouldbe home by Monday unless bad weatherhits.
Sounds like my job, no coffee break, no lunch. :X7hours on my feet all day -- although I did take a 5 minute break to getsomething to eat
Just double checkedand realized I'll actually be near Albany, not Syracuse.Thatis a precious photo - one you will cherish, I'm sure. Where in New Yorkare you going!?
Notonly the first time Matthew has ever seen the ocean, but the first time*I've* ever seen the ocean. That's the one thing left that Iwanted to do in my life -- be able to see the ocean and find seashellson the beach
I am going to have that photo enlarged and framed.
Theocean has a way of making us seem very small in the scheme of things,doesn't it?
I saw an imax on coral reefs when on vacation in South Dakota. Talkabout something breath taking! Its sad how coral reefs are starting todie off. :?This imax was talking about the death of the coralreefs and how we can work on preserving them. There was about 70 5thgraders watching it with us so it was fun watching their reactions tothe imax.Theocean has a way of making us seem very small in the scheme of things,doesn't it? It amazeshow there world takes on awhole new form under that water.