gone for a bit

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
sorry for the flying post.....leaving soon for camping! no Tanklets yet, but she's huge.

I'll be back Sat. night--updates then!

Bye Rose!

Have a safe and fun trip.


Have fun!

P.S. Did you hear that the DNR bought a chunk of OLD GROWTHFOREST? I'm so excited! I can't wait for the parkto open! As long as they don't have 5 foot wide paved trailsall over, cause then some park manager is going to get a talking-to!
See thisis theScenario , Tankers just holdingout, just waiting for Roose togo away , Rose will no more thanbe gone 6 hours and Tankerswill spit them babies out justfor the sake of makingRose Nuts LOL . Rabbitsand they have the nerveto say Dumb Bunnies .
I thought she'd have 'em too....but no dice.:(WHAT is going on here??? I am getting seriously worried. She seems fine.

Gypsy, bless her heart, let me bounce my worries off her and said Tank will be fine.:D

Had a great trip, here's me on a rock named George.


Our enchanted lake:




"...a rock named George." :rofl:

Great Picture of you, Rose!

Gypsy and I barely noticed you were gone. :waiting: :waiting:

Glad you're back! :hug:

I havetwo sneaky suspicions why shehasn't delivered yet, and it has to do with the breeder. Gypsy and Italked it over, but I won't say yet until I see what the litter lookslike....

Anyway, she looks healthy, so we won't worry yet. I hope it's soon! Nomore thumbprint on baby:p--Tank's really in a snit lately. "Feed metreats and GO AWAY!!"

naturestee wrote:
That's a pretty nice looking swamp! And I shouldknow. What park is that in?

Northern Highland American Legion (what a mouthful!!). Quite a place!That little lake is a tamarack bog on the Fallison Trail. The beach isCrystal Lake, which is nearly sterile. You can see 30 ft. down in clearblue--looks like a swimming pool. 75-120 ft. deep and very cold. Trythe place sometime.:)

:jumpforjoy: I thought that lakelooked familiar! I've camped there before! It wasan overnight field trip for my Aquatic Ecology class!

rabbitgirl wrote:
I havetwo sneaky suspicions why she hasn'tdelivered yet, and it has to do with the breeder. Gypsy and I talked itover, but I won't say yet until I see what the litter looks like....

Anyway, she looks healthy, so we won't worry yet. I hope it's soon! Nomore thumbprint on baby:p--Tank's really in a snit lately. "Feed metreats and GO AWAY!!"


She doesn't have giant breeds, does she?:shock:
naturestee wrote:
rabbitgirl wrote:
Ihavetwo sneaky suspicions why she hasn't delivered yet, andit has to do with the breeder. Gypsy and I talked it over, but I won'tsay yet until I see what the litter looks like....

Anyway, she looks healthy, so we won't worry yet. I hope it's soon! Nomore thumbprint on baby:p--Tank's really in a snit lately. "Feed metreats and GO AWAY!!"


She doesn't have giant breeds, does she?:shock:

Jeez I hope not. :? Poor girl.
naturestee wrote:
:jumpforjoy: I thought that lake lookedfamiliar! I've camped there before! It was anovernight field trip for my Aquatic Ecology class!


The best. Ever seen northern lights over the lake?


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