Going to the hospital

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I think I may end up going to the emergency roomof the charity hospital. I just don't know if I want to go tonight, orwait till morning. I live an hour away, and my best friend lives a halfhour away coming from the other direction. And she wants to meet methere and be with me because I am just so freaked out.

My tooth is still causing my temple and face and neck to throb a weirdthrobbing pain, and after reading different things I shouldn't haveread, I am now more freaked out than ever and on the verge of a panicattack.

Thoughts and prayers, and lots of encouragement please. I'm so scaredI'm gonna die or something, I'm physically shaking and haven't hardlyslept in two days. Part of me thinks I am worried for nothing and theantibiotics are working, the other part of me is scared to fall asleeptonight.

I think I'll go cry now. :cry3
MBH, calm down. You are not going todie, you silly girl!!! You just need to get that stinkingtooth out. If you remember, the wisdom tooth I had pulled wasdone by an oral surgeon who also works in the er for other stuff, butincluding emergency extractions for those who were involved inaccidents. Maybe your er will have one that does the same,who knows, maybe they'll yank it tonight and this will all be over foryou.

I really am sorry you have to go through this. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. :pray:

Thanks for letting us know your plan. Good Luck!:kiss1:
MBH, I know that for me, if I am in pain andsome part of my body is affected, the pain tends to get worse if I readabout 'potentials' in articles (you know what I mean...the potentialthat it is this sort of infection, the potential that it could turninto this, the potential that it could lead to...etc. etc.). Justthinking about all of the what if's tend to cause me to not be able totake my mind off of it (along with the accompanying pain), and I don'tfind any relief until someone - usually a doctor - can reassure me thatit'll be okay. To me it sounds like you've got an infection that - asnasty as they can be - will be well under control soon. And infectionscan be extremely painful. My suspicion is that you'll be fine, and assoon as the antibiotics start taking effect the pain will diminish. Butif you feel that you might need to go to the ER, then I'd say go...ifonly to have a doctor's reassurance that you'll be okay.

I'm sorry you're going through all of this pain and fear, as I know howmuch pain an infection in a tooth can cause...it can make a personabsolutely miserable. I hope that the pain does start to subside foryou soon, and that you'll be back to yourself in no time.

Sending hugs and thoughts of healing your way, and will say a little prayer for you....:hug2:
Aw, sweetheart, I'm sure it's just a nastyinfection! Things always seem to be so much worse when we'rein pain...(And sleep-deprived, in your case)...
Reading about it, while educational, probably will not help much atall. I'd just take it easy and let the doctor handleit. Besides, the nerves that run through your teeth/jaw go upyour face too, as I'm told, and you probably gave them a good pinch ifyour tooth area is swollen at all.
Just try to take care of yourself until this is sorted out by a professional :hug2:
Stressing about it always does more harm than good
Best of luck,
MBH.. try to calm down. There are all kinds ofnerves in teeth rootsthat can really make strange sensationsin your body. I've had problems like that a lot in my life. If thenerve in the tooth is dying it can really get painful..you probablyneed the tooth out but you're not going to die. :hug:
You're certainly not going to die, stop gettingyourself into a tizz over everything. As long as you take care ofyourself and get these things seen to as soon as possible you'll befine. In the last year my partner had four teeth removed, withoutgeneral anesthetic, a hernia operation in his groin, and a bad back forabout a month and he has come through it all fine. You'll be ok too :D.

Hugs! Take care and good luck.

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