going to the doctor tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
Hi! I posted about 2 1/2 weeks ago that I was having some chest pain but didn't want to go to the doctor because I didn't have health insurance. Well, I got health insurance that started on June 16th, so I'm now covered! The pain subsided after a few days, so I decided to wait a little longer before going to the doctor. The night before last the chest pain started again though, along with feeling nauseous on and off through the day. The pain isn't terrible, but still pretty obvious and rather alarming. I've noticed that if I'm sitting or lying down, my chest feels fine, but if I'm standing up or exert myself, it hurts. I want to go to the urgent care clinic tomorrow both because I'm concerned about myself, and also because I want to see a doctor before the pain subsides again!

I'm a little concerned though about work. Tomorrow is a Sunday and Sundays are often pretty busy, though our store (I'm a cashier) has been kind of slow lately. I was scheduled to work from 2 until 7 tomorrow, so it seemed perfect to go to the doctor in the morning and like it wouldn't be a huge deal if I have to miss work (I have a sneaking suspicion they're going to send me over to the hospital ,for tests), but of course this afternoon I was informed that I'm working a 10 hour shift tomorrow instead. I'm going to go to the doctor first thing in the morning, but if they do think it's urgent enough to send me over to the hospital for immediate testing, my work can't get TOO bent out of shape, can they? Being in the ER seems like a legitimate reason to miss work to me, but yesterday they made a cashier stay who had the flu and was feverish and vomiting, so who knows. I mentioned all this to my boss and she suggested I go to the doctor later this week on my day off and have my boyfriend (who will need to drive me and will undoubtedly want to stay with me) miss work, instead. That just doesn't seem right to expect someone else to miss going to work!

Sorry this is so long, I'm just a little concerned about what the doctors may find and if I'll get in trouble with my bosses. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow!
Your health should be more important. I know it's probably too late at this point, but next time, try to put your request in writing, detailing the facts specifically. The company would be much less likely to deny your request in writing, for fear of liability. Demand things in writing, I always say. :D
Oh Shiloh, I am so sorry you arent well. I think you have to put your health first, regardless of what they say at work. After all, if you're ill and have to have time off, surely it's better for them to let you get it seen to sooner rather then later.

I hope all goes OK - let us know what happens. Could be with all the stress over Tallulah, that it is causing you problems (sounds like a broken heart to me :()

:hug: Jan
I agree- screw work, your health is far more important! :) It's not as if you're just taking a 'sickie' - you have an urgent situation and you need to see a doctor! When I was 17 I used to work in a supermarket (Tesco) and I remember that I fainted once (I worked in the cafe part), and they wouldn't let me go home, and I didn't like to speak out and stand up for myself. They promised I could stay on the tlll sat down, but they made me work in the kitchen and on the food counter, shaking, dizzy and vomiting all day...:(

Anyway, definately go tomorrow, is it possible you could get the doctors or someone to sign a note to prove that's where you've been? Then surely your work can't make too much of a fuss if you have proof that you're ill....

Good luck at the doctors, I hope it all goes ok- it sounds so scary what's happening to you and I hope they can sort it out :hug: Even if you have to have more tests it's scary but it's reassurring to know that it's being taken seriously...

Let us know how it goes!

Jen xx
I'm back! Figures that today it isn't really hurting that much. They did an EKG which was normal (how much info can they really get though from recording your heart rhythm for 3 seconds?), and drew blood. The nurse practitioner said my thyroid is pretty enlarged and that could be causing the chest pain and general feeling of unwellness. It's also the stereotypical "fat person" excuse that people like to make fun of chubby people for. They won't be able to send the blood off to be tested until tomorrow, should hear back later this week I guess and we'll go from there!

Thanks for thinking of me! :) Now I have to get ready to go to the job I dislike for a long shift that they sprang on me yesterday :(
I had chest pains and palpitations a little over a year ago now and had to wear a portable monitor for 2 days after having an EKG done at the ER.. It was fun. They determined something really neat about the chest pains when I was actually at the ER, though. I had a cold and it was enlarging the cartelidge in my chest and causing it to pinch a nerve.. Which was causing the pains in the chest and the shooting pains down the arm... A pulled muscle in your chest right over to your shoulder can have the same effect.

Hopefully you feel right better soon and it's nothing serious.