Going to build a new cage..

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Hello! I've been looking around, and I have decided to go for the popular CC guinea pig cages.

I've bought 34 14x14 grids, and I just need to go out and by some coroplast. I've found a Homedepot near my areathat sells it, so I'll get down there ASAP.

I just have a few questions about the coroplast. Does it have any problems with pee? Does it absorb it and make it stinky? Is is strong enough? The CC website just used tape, but I don't want it to come loose. Is it ok if Pebbles chews it?

I'm still lookng at cage ideas.. but atleast I've found a base! I was also wondering if I should make it a pen type enviroment or a mult-level cage..

Also, about the bedding, I bought two huge bags of "Stall dry". Is this like woody pet? On the bag it says "Premium equine bedding" or something like that.. on the back it says not for human or animals consumption.Would it be ok if they chewed on it? I've used it, and it (Ithink)turns to dust when wet ( or I'm not sure if they were chewing it?) What do you guys think?? The ingredients are 100% pine, and no added perservitives, man made chimecles,additives. Here's the website if it helps any, and what the product looks like/info.



I haven't used coroplast, but it's plastic so it shouldn't absorb urine. The Cavycage people love it, and I know guinea pigs don't litter train often. Pebbles might chew on it, but to prevent some of that you can make it so the edges are on the outside of the wire walls, not the inside.

The type of cage is totally up to you and how much space you have. I like my pens, but if you don't have as much floor space (I used an entire room for two pens) you can use a smaller base size and build up. Either is good. Just don't go smaller than 2 grids wide and three long, and make sure part of the cage has room for the buns to stand up all the way- 2 grids high is good.

Your litter sounds like the same stuff I'm using, just a different brand. It's okay to chew on because it's wood. And yeah, it crumbles when wet and it expands a bit. Works great though!
Thanks! I thinkI am going to get another box of cubes. She's going to have the top open (hopefully) so she'll have enoguh room to stand up. I'm going to make it as large as possible (with 51 grids this should be fun!). If I move Pepsi's cage over a tiny bit (I still want her to be able to look out her oh so precious window) I'll have more space to build the cage.

I like the GP cages with the lofts in them. I was brain storming possible ideas.. the best way (I like) is to have a pen like area with a loft on one side that I'll put a towel over so it's sort of protected feeling. I think she'll really like this. I can make a shelf and put a coroplast shelf, then have some cubes around it or something. I'll have to see. I'll see if I can contain her with two grids high, or if I need to put a top on, or even make it three grids high.

Pebbles LOVES going up and down stairs, I'm just not sure how I can interpret this into her cage design. She also loves to jump.

I like your cage designs for Fey and Sprite, because it's open. I like open cages, it just looks more comfortable if I was a rabbit (I don't know how Pebbles would like it though).

I'll have to do some more playing around connecting the cubes to see if I can get some insperation.. but for now, bed time soon!

Thanks a millionnaturestee!
