Going To Be MIA for a few weeks

Rabbits Online Forum

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Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Well, Pernod and Perry have been taken to myMom's for their holidays (didn't even give me a goodbye kiss :() andJohn and i are away tomorrow. We are going to Vancouver, Victoria, thento Seattle to join the Alaskan Cruise. I am going to miss RO andeveryone soooo much - so please don't let much happen over the next twoweeks.

If I can get access to a computer, I will pop in to see what'shappening, and to relieve the withdrawal symptoms ;). Take care, all.

Sounds like you're in for a fun time! I'vealways wanted to go on one of those Alaskan cruises. We'll miss you,but enjoy your trip!!!


You're just dodging the disco dancer question in the off-topic thread! :biggrin

But hey, you're coming to my neighbourhood! I'm sure by nowyou know all about Vancouver, but if you need to know more, you knowwhere I am!

(Actually you don't quite know where I am...:ponder: I'll PM you my number!)

Have fun!! (Don't forget to pick up some canned pumpkin).

Kisses for P&P from us, too! :kiss:

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Hehehe Jan your not secretly going disco dancing are you? hmmmmm?


Sas..i think Jan is up to something,in her reply in the off topicsection she says don't ask...sooooo does that mean she realllllllyywants us to ask:ponder:

Aww Pernod and Perry are going to miss their mum:(

have lotsa fun!!:D

