Going for my bloodwork - a nervous wreck

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
Art & I share one car and he works on the base 20 miles away. He starts work at 6 am.....I need to go in tomorrow to have bloodwork drawn....they open at either 7, 7:30 or 8 am (on base).

So - I'm hopefully going to bed now to sleep (I'm not tired) so I can get up around 4 am and ride into work with him - and then hang out with him until I run over and get my bloodwork done.

Then I'll come home and he'll get a ride home with a friend/coworker....

That is - if I remember to not eat anything when I get up....

I hate this!
Um if I have my times right hopefully it will all be over and done with now. If I am having a blondish moment Good luck when you have it done :D:hug:
The wait is the worst part... I hope it all went well.I know what you mean about not forgetting to fast. Lol, I was all ready to go last week and then I ate a pickle. I was so mad. Lmbo. Mine are fine though because it has to be done at 8 am sharp so no waiting for hours... Do you have to wait much?
BlueGiants wrote:
Hey Peg! How did it go today? How long til you get results? Long day for you... hope all is well!


Its a long story - but I finally got the bloodwork done today (yeah) and I was finally able to schedule an appointment to see a doctor.

I just LOVE the military medical care system...NOT. I guess at our small clinic we have ONE doctor for the family practice area (we are a small base - but sheesh!). So my appointment is June 4th at 3:30 pm.

Hopefully by then they'll have my bloodwork back and we can discuss some of hte symptoms I've been having. I really do think I may have diabetes II and I'm trying to take better care of myself even now...
Hope it comes back w/good results however if it is diabetes one of my coworkers and friends was diagnosed with it last year and she's doing really well (Type 2 I believe - does not require insulin). She had to change her diet a tad and check her blood sugar daily, but other than that she's good. So hoping the same (if not better) happens for you.
Thinking of youand hoping it all comes out well. Wow, the military must be taking lessons from my insurance company. Takes forever to get approvals and referals and ... sheesh... sometimes I think they just want to wait to see "if it all goes away". LOL!
i used to really stress out over blood draws but now it's the norm(i have tpye 1 diabetes and i have to have a blood test about once a year). how much blood did they take? last time they did me it was either 4 1/2 or 5 1/2, i can't remember.

(Type 2 I believe - does not require insulin)

sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it does, it just depends i think.

i hope everything comes back ok for you!
So basically in honor of my 35th birthday.. your goin to the doctor..

I do expect a phone call as SOON as your out of the doctor's office..

I think your right on the mark with your diabetes though, from all we have discussed..

I am VERY pleased you made it in for your bloodwork..

BTW-your pics on Jarred's thread touched me, and made me cry.. Blake had me print them out for his Jarred scrapbook.. thank you for your thoughtfulness..

The two wolves.. I ordered a print of it.. I love it..

TY again..
Peg, my sister has type II insulin dependant and insulin resistant. Pretty much my entire family has Type II and I am "premetabolic" which means I am heading that way.

My symptoms tend to be:

1. Exhausted about 1/2 hour after eating. Like I can't stay awake.

2. thirst!

3. shakes if I don't eat (my blood sugar drops quickly)

4. Fatigue in general. I want to sleep a lot..... I end up napping late in the afternoon many days if I haven't eaten right.

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Peg, my sister has type II insulin dependant and insulin resistant. Pretty much my entire family has Type II and I am "premetabolic" which means I am heading that way.

My symptoms tend to be:

1. Exhausted about 1/2 hour after eating. Like I can't stay awake.

2. thirst!

3. shakes if I don't eat (my blood sugar drops quickly)

4. Fatigue in general. I want to sleep a lot..... I end up napping late in the afternoon many days if I haven't eaten right.

Well Bo - you've pretty much described me to a "t". In addition, my eyes are giving me problems (at first I thought it was because of the hours I spent at the computer giving helpfulness points for the zootoo contest - but they continued to give me problems even after that was done). In addition to those symptoms I have to pee about every hour (or more often) and my skin is itchy and when I get a cut or something it doesn't heal well.

I can hardly wait for my doctor's appointment. I have dropped 4 pounds since I left for my mom's (I dropped almost 2 pounds while I was there). I'm watching what I eat - checking for portion size and especially checking for the sugar content of foods. I found a chocolate milk product by Hood last night that is very low in sugar....and because I was really craving something sweet - I bought it even though it was pricey.

The hardest part for me right now is I really really need to find a job of some sort - but it is hard when I can barely stay awake and I'm always exhuasted. Since I've been anemic in the past - I think that is coming into play also and I'm trying to eat a larger amount of protein than some folks might (until I see the doctor and he recommends I take iron - I know that is something you should have the doctor tell you to take...).

Doing everyday things - even like coming to the forum....just takes too much out of me. I find sometimes I can't even think straight..but that is usually if I'm dehydrated a bit.

I'm just counting down the days till June 4th!

Oh god, i have to say if i had to have anything to do with needles i'd be very, very ill. Its my biggest phobia. Last time i had blood taken i threw up everywhere. Also, i never had my BCG jab. Everyone said 'you were skiving and pretending to me il''. I genuienly was ill, but it was only because i was so scared about having a jab that i couldn't stand up.

I hate it, there is (almost) nothing worse than seeing a needle.

I'm feeling really queasy right now :?