Going Away for a Few Days

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2006
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Tomorrow morning my boyfriend and I are heading to Michiagn's Upper Peninsula to visit his family for a few days (until Friday). His parents invited us to bring Oswald, but I wouldn't want to put Oswald through the 16 hour drive, and my boyfriends parents also have two very large Maine Coon cats who would absolutely love to snack on poor little Oswald (they have gotten outside a few times and each time they have returned with several small woodland creatures. . .).

So, my mother, who lovingly calls Oswald her "grandson", will be bunnysitting.

I trust my mom 100%. I know she will take wonderful care of Oswald. I am bringing her all of his food, his toys, his litter, and accessories along with the pillow case from my favorite pillow (so he has something with my scent on it). I've also typed up a list of daily care instructions. She, in turn, has bunny-proofed the guest bedroom and promised that Oswald will have at least a few hours a day of out-of-cage playtime.

The family dog does live with her, but I'm not concerned. Moose (an 8 year old chocolate lab) is incredibly gentle, and tends to ignore all creatures that she comes into contact with. Moose also tends to sleep the day away . . . My mom promises that Moose will not be allowed in the room with Oswald when she isn't there.

I know everything will be ok, but I'm just a little worried because this will be the first time that Oswald will be without me (since I brought him home).

Any advice to help me be less nervous and to make Oswald as comfortable as possible with my mom?


P.S. Fear not! I'll try to keep up with what's going on here on RO. His parents have wireless internet, and I should have some free time.;)
You picked a good week to come to Michigan. Im not sure about the UP, but here its been (and supposed to stay) in the mid to upper 70s during the days and cool at night. Where in the UP are you going? Too badyou couldnt drop Oswald offin the detroit area to stay with me and the boys :)

Sounds like he will be well cared for, staying with your mom. One thing that would help is to sit with him for a while when he gets to her house, before you leave, so he can settle in a bit with you there.

Also, make sure she has your vets name and number (and any after-hours location) in case of emergency. And dont forget the treats :)

Im sure he will be fine...my boys like going to see their grandma (my mom also calls them her grandkids :)) as she always gives them more treats than I would approve of.

I hope you have a great time!

We're headed to Houghton (aka Michigan Tech), but we're stopping at Pictured Rocks on our way to do some camping. We're also planning to head out to Isle Royale while were in Houghton.

I'm sure he'll be fine and well cared for!

Anyone else notice that we leave longer notes than most of the first time parents who we babysat for when we were younger? I mean my notes are normally 3-4 pages long! Ok, so maybe I over do it but still!
Wow that is pretty far up there..what a drive!

I hope you have loads of fun...Michigan is so pretty this time of year :)
MBB- I know what you mean. I have 2 pages of instructions typed out along with a feeding chart. I'm sure my mom will find all of my obsessing hilarious . . .

Haley- Google maps puts the whole drive at about 16 hours! I think I may go crazy!
And I'm sure that Oswald would have a blast if he were to stay with Basil, Max, and Mr. Tumnus. It would be one big rabbit party!

I know my mom will do a good job. I just hate to leave my little man. I'll miss him in the morning when I wake up. He's always so excited for me to fill his bowl with food and let him for his morning run! It makes me tear up a little . . . Oh, well. My boyfriend's grandmother grows Alfalfa on her farm, and she's promised me some to take home to Oswald. He'll be a happy boy when I get back!

It sounds like your mum is going to take wonderful care of Oswald.

16 hours is a very long drive! I hope you have a great time on your trip!
I was just finishing cleaning out Oswald's cage and packing his toys. He hopped over to me, put his little paws on my leg, and looked at me as if to say, "What are you doing with my things, mom?" I lost it. Cried just like a baby. I'll miss this little guy!

Did any of you cry or get nervous the first time you left your bunnies for a few days?

I was a complete and utter wreck! :nerves1Kept calling home to check on the size of Pipp'spoops.

She didn't seem to miss me at all, though. :(

After the other bunnies came along, I cancelled all my trips!

All of my guys do great when I take them to Mom's, they've made themselves at home from the get-go.

I know this is supposed to be a thread to make you less nervous... but a mild word of caution about the dog. Some rabbits havedog phobias and can stress themselves sick (literally).So make sure your Momdoesn't let thedog gobounding up to the cage or anything like thaton the off chance Oswald's one of those bunnies.Unlikely, butpossible.

That said, I'm sure he'll be fine. :)

Have a nice trip!

sas and the warren

Hi Amy

When we went on our Honeymoon 7 years age, my inlaws took care of Buttercup, we were so worried about the little guy we called home every day. They aren't really pet people, however they really spoiled him. My father-in-law actually built an extension for his cage which we brought home and made him a 2 storey condo.

Then 2 years ago we went away for two nites and had a bunny sitter come in 4 times a day, we left 3 pages of instructions, along with all their food in baggies (we had three at that time). Now with 4 bunnies it's a little harder to have someone come in.

I'm sure your mom will take great care of Oswald, he may not even want to come home with you, she'll probably spoil him so much.

Two years ago, we came home from holidays, and there were two bunnies
from two different families waiting for us to bunnysit.
We knew nothing about rabbits, and the daily care instructions were passed from
the owners daughter to my son and on to us. :dunno:

So I had to access the internet for information, and during that process I found this forum.
With all the help and knowledge here, I was able to educate the owners on taking better care
of their bunnies, and a few months later, we found and adopted Pebbles. :sunshine:

Since then we never had a holiday. :bowWe are Bunny Slaves.

Oh... by the way, Cocoa (friends rabbit) was dropped off at our house
last night for us to bunnysit for the next two weeks. :happydance

Rainbows! :bunnydance:
I've arrived safely in Upper Michigan forvacation, and Oswald is staying with my mom back in Pennsylvania. I miss him like crazy and call my mom constantly to check on him. She says thatOswald andMoose (the dog) seem to get along. Mostly, they ignore eachother. She's mentioned that she's been giving him lots of treats. He'll probably have gained a pound by the time I get back! Oh well, as long as he's happy and healthy.

I definitely miss him hopping around. I've even called my boyfriend's family pets (a dog and two cats) each Oswald on several occasions . . .


aeposten wrote:
She's mentioned that she's been giving him lots of treats....
Oooh, I have to be the naysayer again... This can really be a problem. Lots of carbs and sugars, especially relatively suddenly,can upset a bunny's digestive tract something fierce. It's been the cause of I think all of my GI Stasis close calls to date! Really not a good idea!



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