Go see the vet or not?

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Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
Jmtland, , Sweden
My Mini Lop mix (5 months old) Rafiki lost weight, had runny eyes and stopped eating hay. I'm about to go to the veterinarian tomorrow, but he seems to feel so much better. He's gaining weight, doesn't have runny eyes anymore and he's eating hay again. He has no problem eating his food. He's very active and loves to be outdoors with me.

Should I still go to the vet tomorrow?
Is there anything wrong with him, or is he okay?
I would still get Rafiki checked out to make sure that he is okay. When Sweetie has constipation, she gets over it, but I still take her in to make sure she is ok and nothing else is going on.
I agree with Sweetie, better to be safe than sorry... Sounds like whatever he had has run its course and is gone though!! :happyrabbit:
I would take him if he's been losing weight at such a young age when he should still be growing. Especially if he hasn't seen a vet yet, it's a good idea to establish yourself with a vet.
Thank you!

He's not feeling so good today. His eyes are runny again and has loose bowels, and I don't think he has eaten anything tonight.

I am so worried.

He's going to the vet tomorrow at 8.15 am.
What if there's something wrong with his teeth?
What if the vet says he needs to be put to death? :nerves1
Glad you've booked an appointment with the vet. Even if he looks better again, still take him. His body seems to be trying to fight off something, but it didn't quite succeed. Make sure you encourage him to eat, if his poop is watery, you also need to encourage lots of fluid intake either in fresh greens rinsed in water (that he's used to eating) or by encouraging drinking or syringing water into his mouth. Rabbits can get dehydrated very easily. Do what you can for him, hopefully the vet will be able to give you some answers and start him on a course of treatment. They will likely give him some sub-cutaneous fluids I would think, just to be sure he's not dehydrating. Try not to worry, I know that's hard and not a helpful thing to say, but stay positive if you can and just do what you can for him until you can go to the vet.

My general thoughts are though (before he started showing symptoms again), if you're worried about whether you should take him to a vet, then yes, you should take him. Because you've obviously been concerned about it enough in the first place to think about a vet visit.
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I've been to the vet now (today). He had no problems with his teeth or stomach, but he has a cold and will take antibiotics for 10 days. :) I'm so relieved!
Must be a respiratory infection or something of some sort then, since technically a cold is a virus and antibiotics aren't given for colds :p Sorry, not to get technical. Really glad it's not teeth issues though, I hope he recovers on his medicine :)
Must be a respiratory infection or something of some sort then, since technically a cold is a virus and antibiotics aren't given for colds :p Sorry, not to get technical. Really glad it's not teeth issues though, I hope he recovers on his medicine :)
Oh, ok. I just translated the Swedish word "förkylning" into English (that's what the vet told me). :)

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