Giving away my Dutch, Gray and White, Bunny Rabbit

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New Member
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Queens , New York, USA
Hi guys, I'm new to site. I've had my Dutch bunny for about 7 months.

I'm moving and need to find a really good home for her, someone nice to care for her, she's is really sweet. Her name is Abby. I don't want to take her back to the pet store because I want to make sure she will be going to a good home, someone that loves rabbits.

I live in Queens Village, New York

I can email her pic's if needed.

She comeswith a really nice big cage with pull out tray for easy cleaning,

water dispenser and food bowl.

Please let me know thanks

my email is: [email protected]

Thank You.


I hope Jim or someone else just as nice will be her new servant. Summer is such a bad time of year to re-home a rabbit because of the former Easter ones getting discarded.
I haven't heard anything, yet.
No reply to my email request for pics, and it doesn't look like the member has been back to the forum since posting.
I hope someone good got her. If I was closer, I've kept a small part of my rabbitry to rescue/rehome project bunnies. I ahve spent a lot of time keeping my rescue seperate from my show end of the barn.
Keep us up to date Jim!!
Hi Jim,

This is Linda, I"m sooo sorry :( i tried to get into the site before but couldn't I still have my bunny rabbit Abby, still looking for someone good to gave her to, i know its been awhile if you still interested please let me know i can send pic's
[email protected]

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