Gimme Piggy Rescue in California

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
This email is making the round on the rescuelists, maybe people here can help? Poor littlepiggies. (I used to have Peruvian Cavies -- the longhairedones -- and they were wonderful little pets).


We have impounded 75 plus guinea pigs and are looking to place them if
possible. Our other alternative is euthanasia. We are the City of
Perris Animal Control Division and we can be reached at 951-657-4134 or
cbostwick@..., you may ask for Chris, Crystal or Al when calling. If
you can take 1 or 2 guinea pigs or all of them . . . please contact us. Or if
you know of any other rescue groups that may be willing to take all or some
of these little guys, please have them contact us or give us the
information and we will contact them. There are males, females (some of which are
pregnant) and little ones.



Christine Bostwick
Senior Animal Control Officer
City of Perris Public Works Dept
Animal Control Division
1015 South "G" Street
Perris, CA 92570
951-657-4134 office
951-943-1871 fax"
I have to admit, I'm in a serious quandry overthis. I'm only about an hour or two away from there, but atthe same time, I have a one bedroom apartment, and already have twofull-grown cats and my two buns. Not to mention I know nextto nothing about piggies!

I just don't think I have the room. If my girls were bothalready spayed and bonded, it'd be a different story...or if I werejust fostering them...but I just cannot take in another animal rightnow.

Not to husband has already said "no more", and I know itwould be quite the miracle if I could convince him otherwise.He loves our furbabies...we're just right on the brink of not havingenough room for us humans. Hehe!

Argh...I really wish I could help, though!!

Any ideas?
I think they'd appreciate a temporary foster,just to buy them time to search for a real home. I'mcontacting people I know in the area -- piggies are a pretty easy petto house and care for -- but it's going to take time to get ittogether.

I'd ask them if taking them in for a week or two will help.

Okay, I'll do some research, and talk to myhusband and see what he says. I hope we can help out withthis. I'll research tonight, and talk to him probablytomorrow, and call right when we've decided. I'm sure if it'stemporary, he won't mind. :) We don't have a lot ofmoney for food and such for them...would they be able to help out withthat, do you think?

Pipp wrote:
I think they'd appreciate atemporary foster, just to buy them time to search for a realhome. I'm contacting people I know in the area -- piggies area pretty easy pet to house and care for -- but it's going to take timeto get it together.

I'd ask them if taking them in for a week or two will help.

Sad news...I've taken a thorough look at ourliving and financial situation, and we just can't take any piggies in,even on a temporary basis. We literally have NO space (and Imean floor space) where they could fit into our livingroom (whereeverybody with the exception of my daughter has to reside; meaning twobuns, two cats, and two humans). Not to mention the immensefinancial difficulty we're having just keeping afloat in general (ex.paying things like the electricity bill)...we're lucky we're in goodstanding with the animals' food, given that we literally bought a BOXof it a month ago, so we've got plenty along with the bale of hay we'restill working on for the bunny girls. We just can't do it.

I have, however, emailed the charter school we use for homeschooling,since they are IN Perris, and asked them if they could either as aschool take in a couple of guinea pig friends, or if they could pleasespread the word amongst parents and teachers, since they're bound tolive quite closeby.

I really hope I get some response from that.

I feel so horrible that I cannot help, and you guys know I would JUMPon the chance if I could find ANY way possible that it would work, butthe fact is, we just can't do it. Yet another reason I YEARNfor a house...we would be able to do it if we had even just ONE moreroom here! This is so frustrating and heartbreaking forme...:cry1:

Anyway, I'll let you guys know the result of emailing theschool...hopefully I learn that someone there was able to help out, ifeven on a temporary basis.

I'll keep those piggies in my thoughts and prayers, and do everything Ican to find a home for them. I wish I could help out withgiving them a warm space to live in, though!

Pipp, please let me know everything you come across with it,too. Maybe you and I can come up with Anything?

Love and hugs,

Aw Rosie, you are so sweet to try and help out! :hug:You're awesome just for caring!

Maybe somebody from the school will be able to take some of themin. They're the best school pets! I'm not sure ifit's a good thing or a bad thing for education, but if a class ended upwith a pregnant girl, they'd see that the babies are practically bornrunning! They're not like bunnies at all, they have all theirhair and they're ready to dive into the food bowl.

I really loved my little cavies. Had I not fallen intorabbits (thanks to Pipp) I'd probably have some myself. :)

Sorry if I made you feel bad by posting it, but seriously, just thatyou're near by and you're trying to help is more than I expected fromthe post, so thank you so much! :kiss:

Thank you so much for the encouragement, took me quite a long time to fall asleep last night inthinking about those poor sweet little (well, kinda little)piggies. I heard back from the school today that she'll passthe word around to the teachers and students, and sounded hopeful thatshe'll get a response to it. She said she would let me knowif any of them find homes through my effort. :)

I still wish I could have helped. Don't worry, I didn't feelany pressure whatsoever, except for the pressure I put onmyself. I have very high standards for myself, and reallypush myself and always expect to be able to do more, so it's more thatdesire to help the world and do more, really more than I can, to behonest. But I really try, ya know? If I didn't atleast try, I don't know what I would do with myself! :)

Anyway, I'll keep you updated as to what word I receive from theschool. That's so adorable that piggies are born running tothe food bowl. I can picture that! Hehe!:D What cuties!

Like I said, we'll eventually have a house, and probably have a roomdedicated to fostering/rescuing/housing small animals. Myability to help out in the animal world will truly come to's always been my dream. Hey, at least I was able torescue my two kitties and sweet Flower bunny! (Maisie wasspoiled with a very nice home prior to ours, so she was quite theprincess-in-training! :) ) So I've gotten somethingaccomplished with helping out! :)

I'll keep you updated...

Love and hugs!

This a dumb question, but where is Perris? I might be able to take one or two if it's close enough...

EDIT: Just ran Perris through MapQuest. It's waay out of my range. argh...
Pipp...I haven't yet received any word back fromthe school about this. I'll email them and ask how things aregoing...hopefully the lack of response is just that someone forgot topass along the news. :?
Pipp wrote:
There maybe some statewide deliveries going on, Greta, I'd ask just in case.

Thanks for the tip, sas. I'll phone Perris animal control and see ifthey can tell me anything one way or the other. My little sister'spiggy could really use a friend since her sister crossed the Bridgeawhile ago...

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