Giant Flemish

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2004
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Evansville, Indiana, USA
My name is Madelon and I'm new here. In about a month at theend of August I going to be getting 9 week old sandy giant flemishrabbit. I'm really excited and cannot wait to get him or her!Let me tell you a little about myself
Im 14.This will be my first rabbit and I'm really excited.You will probably see me on here alot asking questions.Right now I have 2 cats Nilla & Lexie, 2 c0ckatielsSugar & Sammy, 3 rats Sofie, Cookie, & Mo, 1 easternbox turtle Cheesecake, and a tank full of fish.
Ummm.... I live in Dubuque Iowa. Well, that's basicly all Ican say about myself. I have a boring life lol.

OK, here is my question...
The cage I am going to be using is 40lx30wx25h. It has a flatbottom (no wire). I will not have the top on it just becausethe door is pretty small (12x9) and it's just easier to pick up a heavyrabbit from up top rather than pull him/her though a small door.Also, I doubt the rabbit will be able to jump out.If it can while its small then I may set the top on top andjust move it when I get him out. He's going to be a houserabbit and eventually have the run of the house (most of it) when he isfully litter trained. Of corse he will only be out when weare there and will be in the cage at night and while we are gone.Most likelywhen school starts again he will just beconfined to one specific room. I'd hate to make him or herstay in a cage for 8 hours.

Do you think that that cage will be big enough? I'm pretty sure it will be but I'd like to know for sure.

Does anyone on here own a Flemish giant or know much about them.If so can you tell me about your experiences and what Ishould be prepared for so I know what I'm getting myself into.LOL.
I haveresearched alot about rabbits and Flemish's in particular but I liketalking to actual people too.

Thanx for the help, and I'm sorry this is soo long.
25" high? That's not nearly high enough! Mylittle boy who is only 6 lbs now jumped 2 feet out of his run when hewas only 8 weeks old! He was tiny then! He can now jump a good 3 feetif he tried.
There is a woman on herenamedDajeti2 she has a giant flemish named apollo.I bumped up a thread so you can see what he looks like. Look underapollo pics....i think you can get a good idea of what your bunny maylook them pics of apollo i dont think he is even full grown!!And he is hugh!
Hey Cuddles thanx for bumpin that picup. He sure is a cutie. I know that they arehuge. That's one of the many things I like aboutthem. And Apollo isn't even grown yet. They averagearound 15-20lbs.:D:D:D
At the lastBunnyfest that we attended there was a Flemish Giant there that weighed25 pounds! :shock:
Hi Madelon,

Congrats on your new bun! Maybe you could retrofit the top ofthe cage so that you can open and close the whole thing. I just got myrabbit a week ago and my cat is always trying to go in his cage when Iopen the door, they get a long fine, but I wouldn't want her jumping inhis cage whenever the mood struck.

That's going to be one big bunny! I thought mine was big, he's9 pounds... that's on a human scale though with myself holding him soI'm not sure how accurate that is, but it's pretty close. I have twodogs and he's bigger than the smallest one :)

Good luck!

Great idea. I'll do that.I've got some cable ties lying around so i'll justtie onesideso that I can open and close it. Thanx. Yea mycats would never hurt the bunny but I really dont want them in hiscage. :p
babydoshia wrote:
Geez! Was it overweight or did it seem like itwas suppossed to be that huge. Thats on big rabbit:shock:. Maybe it was just big boned.
Actually I spoke with the owner and hesaid that he was supposed to be that big. He was the talk ofthe event as you can imagine!

Reminded you of that horror movie, "Nightof the Lepus", but he was the sweetest, most gentle bunny you'll everwant to meet. He was very patient with all of us as we pethim and made over him.
There was an article in the paper the other dayabout a rabbit (think it was a Flemish Giant) that was 35lbs and 3 anda half foot long!

That's one big bunny!!

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