giant emergency!!!!!!!!!!

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Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
South east, , USA
i have 3 giant females and one had babies i didnt think she was pregnant so i i got to the cage and to babys were dead and two were alive but fell through the cage on the floor and was cold, this is their first birth and theyre young rabbits so i put a cardboard box with straw and two babies back in her cage. she had never pulled any fur and idk y? is she going to have more? will she take care of these babies? what else can i do?
please respond!!!!!!
First did you warm the babies up? If I have cold babies I put them in my shirt for some body heat. You did right by putting them in a box. You can actually pull fur from moms belly this will keep them warm. If this is her first litter her instincs might kick in or they might not you can do two things: keep the babies with her or take them out and give them to her once in the morning and once at night for feedings but if you keep them away from her make sure they stay warm. She may have more or may not you never can really tell unless you know how to palpatate
Great! You are doing everything you can do tomorrow morning check them to see if they have the typical grape stuck in belly look and if they do she nursed them! If not check them again a few times a day for it, it might take her a day or so gor the "bulb" to turn on. Good luck and keep us posted
well they didnt make it even with all the hair i pulled i uncovered her nipples too, it look like she went in and scattered the hair and the babies scatered in the box too, so i put her un the bucks cage again to breed. maybe next time????????
Make sure you write the date down 31 days from the day you breed her thats when she is due, buy a proper flemish giant nest box from a rabbit store such as pointer hill or martens cage, the box should go in 3 or 4 days before she is due so she can start to nest, you can start to give her some calf manna as a suppliment you only give them a tablespoon size once a day lots of hay.....and then all you can do is wait and see how it goes!

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