GI stasis emergency or home treatment? (RIP)

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Mar 20, 2012
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Arizona, USA
I have a quick question before I schedule a vet visit. One of my buns has stopped eating (as of last night). I saw him crouched last night not having eaten his basil. Usually he and his wife run excitedly when I get their pellets, but yesterday -- no reaction by him. I tried basil, pellets, oregano, choc. mint, leaf lettuce and even a slice of apple. The only thing I got him to eat was a few strands of fresh hay. I tried gently massaging his belly.

It appears he sat in one place all night and left a few very small droppings. This morning now, he hasn't eaten. I've heard about oats -- is it safe to give him 100% whole grain oats and/or plain shredded wheat cereal (only ingredients are whole wheat and wheat bran) just to try to get him to eat 'something'?

He has hopped out of his cage this morning and is sitting in a usual spot. He is not in a ball like he was last night -- more of a football pose. Just now, before sending this, I tried hay again and got him to eat 2 strands of hay. He refuses more.

So should I try the oats or cereal OR should I just skip all that and take him straight to the vet?

With all the rabbits I've had in the past, this is a first for me.
Does he have a gassy tummy? Simethicone (baby gasx) and a massage can really help.

I wouldn't let him go too long without eating before going to the vet. It sounds like he needs an appointment today.
I'm not sure because of the time. I would have given the simethacone last night, but it has been almost 24 hours now. I would call your vet at least for advice.
There is definatly stuff you can do from home, but a vet trip is always a good idea in case of emergency.

It is important to try and encourage as muche eating and drinking as possible, spike his water with apple juice. If hes not eating at all, he will need to be syringe fed, if you dont have Oxbow Critical Care, Pellets and PIneapple juice and water blended into a slurry thin enough to be sucked into a syringe will do. Pineapple juice is acidic and will help break up any yuckies forming from lack of gut movement. Belly massages. Cilantro, nice herb for preventing gas, as well as many many other things. Pumpkin (not pie pilling) high in fiber and moisture content, good for tummy issues. Keep him warm. Baby gas drops. Lots of hay, offer whatever you can, at this point we would rather see him eating something then nothing. Make it fun.
How did it go?!

I have been able to treat Stasis/Gas at home as well. Pineapple is my bun's best friend, as well as the simethicone (baby gas relief). Make sure your veggies are wet, and if you can syringe-feed water or pedialyte for hydration, that is a good idea too. Good luck!
Thanks all. I took him in today at noon -- so... about 14 hours after I noticed him not eating.
The vet had me give him a shot of flunixiject so that I would also be able to give another shot tomorrow and the next day. He also hydrated him some with a needle in his skin to drip in (like an IV but I guess not in his blood?)
After that he gave him some buprenorphine orally for pain and sent some home with us too.
Of course I'm supposed to encourage him to eat, and also be sure he moves around somewhat.
He did nibble a tiny on hay before we left the vets. He nibbled when we got home on a tiny bit of oregano. It's not much. He's also hopped out of his cage and sat in a couple different places. He's not all balled up though, so I guess that's good.
I think he's getting annoyed with me shoving hay in his face.

This vet (highly recommended by a rescue) said that over the years of dealing with GI stasis he is becoming more convinced that bunnies do best on an almost exclusively hay diet. He suggested I cut back the pellets some (I currently only give them about 1/2 to 3/4 cup which they share per day). And he thought I should feed fewer veggies ( I give them 2-4 cups per day). I'll have to think about those suggestions. Cutting back a bit on pellets doesn't bother me. Still unsure about the veggies though.

I forgot to ask the vet if it's ok to try to give him whole oats - like what comes in the quaker oat cardboard cylinder pkg . Does anyone here know? I just want him to eat.

These are my 8th & 9th bunnies I've had, but the first time one has ever had GI stasis. I know the rescue I got them from had rescued them as very, very young (before they should've been weaned). I wonder if that set them up for higher potential for gut problems.

Those who are familiar, I'd love to hear your first steps you take when you suspect GI stasis coming on.

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