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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
Hi everyone! So, a lot of people in the "Getting to know you" thread said that they believe in ghosts and have seen one. Ghosts fascinate me and I'd really like to hear what all your encounters were! Please share :upsidedown:
I too am intrigued by the supernatural, and an ardent believer. I have had the honor of a couple of meetings, encounters, or whatever you want to call them:

The first one was a somewhat transparent big white husky dog, walking along in the forest, parallel to where I was. It made no noise, and once I had been looking at it for a second or two, it just faded away.

Secondly, I was in a local cemetary, don't remember why I was there, but I felt someone/something staring at my back, turned around, and saw a young woman standing by a headstone. She was dressed in clothes that one might expect from the late 1800s. The woman smiled slightly at me and faded away. After she left, I went over to inspect the headstone she was standing near; it belonged to a woman who had died in the 1890s, at the age of 22.

There is also a black ghost cat that lives in our house. She is usually seen darting around corners out of the corner of your eye; I see her all the time.

Other than that, there's really nothing else worthy of note besides numerous travelling orbs, passing smells, feelings and cold spots in rooms. :)
I've heard so many stories of the supernatural, scary but oh so interesting.

When I was around 8 yrs old, I was in the Dominican Republic for summer vacation. One night, my brother (9yrs old) and I went to visit a next door neighbor. Well, My great grandma lives in the mountains with dirt roads and NO street lights. We waited way past our curfew to return home and as we were walking up the path we noticed a light at the end of the road. We suddenly stopped talking and just stared. It was a woman, floating off of the ground wearing a floaty dress. She was coming towards us so we booked tail.:run: How do I know it was real...well, we BOTH saw the SAME thing at the same time. Never stayed out late after that again!

Another time was in the winter here in NY. This time, we didn't see a ghost, but something kept unlocking our balcony door and opening it. It was a sliding door so it definitely wasn't the wind. I mean, you would see the lock turn and the door open. :shock:Freaky huh? Well, we had someone from the church come and "clean" the house. Never happened again. So yea, I believe...boy do I ever believe.

I have a story :biggrin2:

Where I used to live, In a building I always felt as if someone was looking at me. There were these 3 mirrors on the ceiling the previous lady had put there because she liked the reflection off her candles. Anyways, I was taking pictures of the snow off the balcony and around the house (I was bored) and when I finnaly put them onto the computer I noticed that in the window there was a guys face, and also from the reflection of the mirrors (Like it beamed down onto the coffee table. Really freaky.

I had a really strange one. When hubby andI first moved into our first apartment together he used to work nights and I had a really hard time falling asleep being alone in the house. Well I was laying in bed with all the lights on in the room and listening to the radio. The curtains are closed and there is no movement in the room. Suddenly I see a shadow go across the walland right to the radio. Imediately the radio went to all static. Not a little static, but all static and no sounds of any station. I got up and changed the radio and could not get any stations at all. The next morning when hubby gets home he realizes that the little garden lizard we had in the tank with our iguana had passed away. I told him about the shadow thing the night before and he thought I was just crazy. That radio NEVER picked up stations ever again. The cd player works and sounds fine but even after we have moved it still will not pick up anything but static. I think the little lizard is haunting me.
Ok this is going to sound strangebut I'm sure theres something in my house. Every so often you see something black flash past you, and a few nights ago my little sister Alicia ran in saying she saw a man in the kitchen:?Being a christian Im not into the whole ghost thing but it is quite scary, especially @ night!
quite a few things like that has happened to me.

One time I was at my grandmothers house, built by her father back in mid 1900's I believe, beautiful home very echoy. Mind you my grandfather has been gone 10 years. I was sitting in his chair he always sat in, all of the studen I jumped up from the door slamming downstairs, then the foot steps up to the upper level. Then it stopped, I saw a white shaddowy figure stairing right at me then it disapeared. I think it was my grandfather. Cause he always did that when he comes home from work and then sits in his chair.

My dog Isaac has been gone 4 yrs. I see his shadow all the time a black cocker shadow doing what Isaac always did. I knew it was him cause he always followed me around. My mom said she swore she felt a lick on the back of her legs and saw a black shadow following her one time. I told her it was Isaac getting back at cha. He always follow my mom and lick the back of her legs, my mom hated that and would say ISAAC STOP IT. I miss him so much. He was my buddy.

I have more I can tell later.
One day i was at my friends house and we were playing in her basement and stuff and i looked at an old picture of my friend's deceased grandmother, with her hair in a bun and this green, white and red dress. About a week later i was on the rabbit forum and watching TV at the same time and i felt like a sudden rush of cold air around my body... and like somewhat of a tap and i turn around towards my right and i see my friends grandmother there, with her hands in front of her in the pockets of her dress and shes just somewhat "grining" at me.. I freaked out so bad i pushed everything in front of me and ran into Bunbuns' room, and started crying because i was home alone and REALLLLLLY terrified... after that never saw her again. Also when i lived in Turkey when i was little we had this black out thing and my parents where holding my hand taking me to my room and i saw green, white , red dots everywhere and these dragons swirling around on my ceiling and laughing.. I just creeped my self out saying this story...:?
I belive in ghosts and stuff but sometimes our minds produce things on their own from past things they've seen. Well, thats what i think!:biggrin2:
Once at about two oclock in the morning my dog was barking in the living room. My dad went down and there was absolutly nothing there.

We call her "Pigtail Marcella" because my moms name is marcella(dont ask my older sister made it up). Sometimes iI hear creaking in the stairs and I know it is her!

Edit to Add: Another freaky one. It was about 6 o'clock about 5 weeks ago. My freinds were over. A boy in the same grade as us lives to doors down. We were calling his name. We were taking picutures of there house. In one of the pictures you could see there two disticnt faces. Turns out they werent home.The whole time. WEIRD.


They are in the left hand corner

Greta wrote:
The first one was a somewhat transparent big white husky dog, walking along in the forest, parallel to where I was. It made no noise, and once I had been looking at it for a second or two, it just faded away.

ooohhhh that is neat i wonder if that is your animal totem.

I have had several experiences, most of which happen after i have a baby.I remember one me and my husband were sleeping and i woke from a dead, lol,sleep to see a young kid sitting at the bottomof the bed looking up at myhusband, the only reason i was able to go back to sleep is because the kid was looking at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol After i had my first child i woke to see a man in dress blues type of uniform standing next to my bed looking down at the baby.

After my second baby i was sleepin on the couch and i woke to see a family standing in my dinning room looking into the pantry, probably thinking i needed to go food shopping,lol, just standing there. It was a mom , dad, and a child.

I have had other feelings, hearing things, and things like that.

I am so in awe of those of you who have actually seen a ghost...I've never seen one (though did see 'something' weird once); have only felt their presence. And dang, I can't see the pic Roxie posted either! :(

There have been a few strange things happen to me over the years. One of the first occured when I was just entering my teens. My bedroom was the only one in the house that was downstairs, and I will admit I used to be very afraid of the dark, so I'd sleep with my head under the covers. One night I was sound asleep but woke up to hear the doorknob to my bedroom turning. I was absolutely freaked out, thinking it was a burglar, so I remained under the covers trembling. I'm not sure now whether I heard the door actually open, but the next thing I clearly remember hearing was footsteps coming across my room to my bed (definitely someone wearing shoes). Then I heard them stop right next to my head, but after that never heard a thing. I must have laid awake for the next couple of hours, frozen in fear, before finally falling asleep again...I never did get brave enough to peek my head out and look around.
In the morning when I woke up I swung my feet over the side of the bed to the floor, and I to my bed is (was) an old cedar chest that had belonged to my mother, who had passed away the summer previous. There was a small drawer at the bottom of the chest, and it was always shut. But not that morning. The drawer was halfway open, and inside the contents - letters from my oldest brother, who was stationed in the American army - were shuffled about. When I got up I asked my other brother, my dad, and my younger sister if any of them had been in my room that night, and they all looked at me as if I'd grown a second head. My dad told me I had been dreaming, but of course I knew I hadn't...this was an extremely frightening experience for me. I've since come to the conclusion that the 'night visitor' was most likely my mom's spirit, probably watching over my oldest brother. He was stationed with the 82nd airborne division, having just finished basic training, during the midst of the Vietnam war, and I imagine our mom was taking care of him in her own way.

Another incident happened to me about 5 years ago. I'd begun taking up meditation (or trying to), and I used to have a nightly routine of heading off to bed and then going into a meditative state for 15-20 minutes or so (or until I fell asleep, which happened often). I'd been doing this for a couple of weeks, and then very early one morning I woke up to feel my hand - which was above my head, as my arm was outstretched while sleeping - being tickled. In my groggy state I thought it was the dog, and told Kaya to cut it out. But as soon as I said this to her I realized that she was actually lying at the end of the bed, sound asleep. So I chalked it up to a dream and forgot about it.
About a week later the same thing happened again - at the same time of the early morning - and this time it was a bit stronger. It startled me awake, and I knew I hadn't dreamt it. But again, once I was fully awake and up, I sort of set it aside.
One week later...and I was woken again. Only this time it wasn't my hand being tickled. Far from it. I woke up to the extremely scary feeling of someone's hands wrapped firmly around my ankles, and I was being pulled off my bed. I screamed and jerked my legs as hard as I could, and I felt a release...then I recalled what someone once told me - that if you felt 'something' was attacking you etherically, to call upon Archangel Michael for protection. So that's what I did, and the sense that someone was in my bedrooom immediately stopped. And the haunting - or whatever it was - never returned.

I'll post one more, though there's been lots of things happen...this one was the latest, and last - and probably scariest - thing that happened to me. Perhaps no more frightening in description than the previous story, but when I was going through it I was terrified. (Sorry, it's a bit long to tell.)

Almost two years ago now my sister and I went on a 4-day road trip to New Hampshire. We had booked two nights at a hotel in a small town near our destination, but had neglected to book for our first night on the road, and decided to just wing it. So we were driving through NH and came upon a small town called Littleton. I suggested to my sister that we find a place there to stay the night, and she agreed...and as we entered the town she began to pull into the first motel she saw. I stopped her and said, "Let's go a bit further first and see what's down the road." So we did, and again she began to pull into a motel when she spotted one. Once again I stopped her; for some reason I had this 'feeling' that we were supposed to go further...that something further down the road was our destination, even though we had nothing planned. So as we drove down Main Street I had my head down, looking at the map, when my sister said out of the blue, "Do you think that hotels with bars are noisy?" When I asked her why she told me, "Oh...we just passed a hotel but it had a sign outside that there was a bar in it." So I turned and looked, and there it was....Thayer's Inn. It was a magnificent-looking, turn-of-the-century hotel, and as soon as I saw it a chill ran through me...THAT was where we were supposed to be. I asked my sister if we could go back to check it out, and so we did.

The hotel, as it turned out, had vacancies - highly unexpected as we were travelling on one of the busiest long weekends of the year. And not only that, the rates - which I thought would be through the roof, given the appearance of the hotel - were even cheaper than all the other hotels we'd looked up online. So we booked a room for the night and went up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs I had another one of those 'chill' moments. Right at the top of the staircase was a painting of a young girl, Victorian times, with long blond hair and holding a book. As soon as I laid eyes upon it I was stunned, as I immediately thought, 'Omigosh...that's me'. I had no idea why that thought/sensation went through me, but it was, as I said, chilling. But I said nothing and we continued on to our room.

I'll skip some of the other odd things involved with the trip, but will describe what happened after we both said goodnight and went to bed. My sister probably fell asleep within 5 minutes, but for some reason I found it hard to go to sleep. Just an odd feeling within me, but I didn't know what it was exactly. Finally, however, I did drift off...and was woken up abruptly just after midnight. Someone was sitting on the end of my bed. I was sure of it. I looked around, saw nothing. Looked over to my sister's bed...she was sound asleep. So I thought it must have been a dream, and fell back to sleep rather quickly.
About an hour or so later, I was woken up again. This time I had the sensation that someone was in the room, and they were lying in my bed. Now that did frighten me, and I sat straight up. I couldn't see anyone, didn't see anything that might have even caused me to suspect it. But I was getting shaken up, and it took me a good long while to fall back to sleep after that. But finally I did.
An hour later. Startled awake again. This time though, I couldn't move. There was an arm physically pinning me down, and someone was lying next to me. I was so $#@ scared I was beyond being able to scream...for a moment I was in total panic, and then I struggled furiously. And whatever it was disappeared...the feeling of being pinned down dissapated and I was free. I lay there for a very long time, wanting to wake my sister, but I thought, what would be the point? She was the sole driver on our trip and she was exhausted...and even if I did wake her, what could she do? So I lay there for a very long time, absolutely shaken up. And finally...I fell asleep once more.
Four o'clock in the morning. I was startled awake one final time. This time I felt the presence of someone standing next to my bed. And this time I heard a voice. He said, "Take THAT!" I felt a hard shove on my side, then heard laughter and 'felt' the presence running off toward the door of the room. And all of a sudden I realized, it was a boy...a young boy, probably around 10 or 12 years old. Suddenly my fear left me, partly because of that realization, and partly because it was getting so close to morning. And that was the last time I felt his presence. He was gone.

There were some other things that happened in that town which were pretty odd, but I won't go into them. I do know, however, that I didn't pursue any of this until we were back in Canada...I became more and more curious about what had happened and decided to try and contact the hotel to ask them if they'd ever had reports of ghosts in the rooms. But no one replied to my requests, so I let it go. Then one day on the internet I stumbled acrooss a website where people post about the towns or cities that they live in, and on a whim I went in and asked if anyone lived in Littleton or had ever lived there, and/or if they'd ever stayed at Thayer's Inn. I was really curious to know it's reputation, as the Inn's website mentioned nothing about ghosts. Well, the response I got from people was pretty overwhelming. Yes, they told me, they either had first-hand experience or they knew of someone who'd been there...and the posters who actually lived in Littleton told me that it was a well-known fact that the hotel was haunted. One person said he'd seen a ghost of a woman and a little girl wandering the halls, while another said she'd been so unnerved staying there that she wouldn't go back. And for wasn't just Thayer's Inn...the entire town had some sort of connection for me...I suspect a past life. At any rate, while it was happening I was really shaken up. Would I stay there again? Not on your life...though I would love to go back and at least walk through the hotel. In the daylight.
Bassetluv, your story scared me... alot im sitting with my parents... cant go to my room... ahh!!:shock::? ohh gosh..:?

You know you said something about the archangel thing, my friend she was downstairs with her sisters one day in the middle of the night and she wanted to go upstairs so she was climbing the stairs and she couldnt get through the door. The door was wide open but she couldnt walk through it. She put her hand out forward but still she couldnt get through and she recalled someone had told her to lean back and spit forward so she did and she was able to pass through.


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