Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if I should. Let me explain...
I have a rescue mouse that I've had since he was 6 weeks old, he's nownearly 2.5 years old. He used to be the SWEETEST mouse in theworld.He loved being held and he'dchutter whenscratchedbehind his ears.
About 8 months ago or so, I had him in a temp cage for about a weekwhen I cracked his tank. The temp cage was a wire one. One night, Iwoke up and found a wild mouse sitting on top of his cage eating someseeds. Within a couple days, we figured out that the wild mouse waspeeing in his cage (he would sit on top, pee, and it would leak throughthe bars). We also figured out from a few clues that the wild mouse MAYhave gotten into his cage at one point, though we never saw that toknow for sure. I put a rush on getting him into a new tank and did bythe next day.
Fast foward... about the end of July (say 5 months ago), he startedacting weird. He didn't want to be held as much, and was much moreskittish than usual. Come end of August, we move out here to our newplace and he just continued to get worse. Within the last two months,he's lost his mind. Completely. You can't get near his cage or hefreaks out and go insane. He slams himself against the glass shrieking,he jumps so high he almost escapes... it's insane. I can't even cleanhis tank or get near him.
Someone mentioned rabies, and now I'm scared. If I remember correctly(I have a LOT of rescues, I get them confused), I believe it was himthat actually bit me right before we moved, but after he started actingfunny. I'm worried he may have gotten rabies from the wild mouse, andthen passed it on to me.
I was doing some research, however, and it said mice, rats, hamsters,ect. rarely ever carry rabies and that there hasn't ever been a reportof a mouse or rat giving rabies to a human in the United States.Another article said that with mice and rats, their so tiny, the onsetof the disease would kill them quickly, within weeks.
Someone mentioned to me that I am over-worrying and that he may just have a brain tumor.
What do you guys think?
I have a rescue mouse that I've had since he was 6 weeks old, he's nownearly 2.5 years old. He used to be the SWEETEST mouse in theworld.He loved being held and he'dchutter whenscratchedbehind his ears.
About 8 months ago or so, I had him in a temp cage for about a weekwhen I cracked his tank. The temp cage was a wire one. One night, Iwoke up and found a wild mouse sitting on top of his cage eating someseeds. Within a couple days, we figured out that the wild mouse waspeeing in his cage (he would sit on top, pee, and it would leak throughthe bars). We also figured out from a few clues that the wild mouse MAYhave gotten into his cage at one point, though we never saw that toknow for sure. I put a rush on getting him into a new tank and did bythe next day.
Fast foward... about the end of July (say 5 months ago), he startedacting weird. He didn't want to be held as much, and was much moreskittish than usual. Come end of August, we move out here to our newplace and he just continued to get worse. Within the last two months,he's lost his mind. Completely. You can't get near his cage or hefreaks out and go insane. He slams himself against the glass shrieking,he jumps so high he almost escapes... it's insane. I can't even cleanhis tank or get near him.
Someone mentioned rabies, and now I'm scared. If I remember correctly(I have a LOT of rescues, I get them confused), I believe it was himthat actually bit me right before we moved, but after he started actingfunny. I'm worried he may have gotten rabies from the wild mouse, andthen passed it on to me.
I was doing some research, however, and it said mice, rats, hamsters,ect. rarely ever carry rabies and that there hasn't ever been a reportof a mouse or rat giving rabies to a human in the United States.Another article said that with mice and rats, their so tiny, the onsetof the disease would kill them quickly, within weeks.
Someone mentioned to me that I am over-worrying and that he may just have a brain tumor.
What do you guys think?