Getting Neutered

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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New Jersey, , USA
I know I mentioned my bunny getting neutered in my first post, but now I'm having second thoughts.

Did the majority of you guys on here get your bunny neutered/spayed? How was your rabbit's recovery? (The woman I spoke with on the phone said after the procedure they are going to give Pup an injection for the pain, and then I am going to have to give something to him later that night) Is this what you guys did? How long did it take for your rabbit to feel better?

I'm just getting paranoid. Pup's first visit to the vet wasn't a very good one so now I'm starting to worry he will also handle this one bad.

As for bringing your rabbit in, what did you put them in? A cage? A little carrying bag? Obviously I don't know too much about this, which is why I am here. I am a worrier.

Thank you guys again :):innocent
i am also EXTREMELY paranoid when it comes to my rabbits health/safety. i had all of my rabbits neutered/spayed. it really helps. it makes their life longer, they become friendlier and nicer, and lots of health problems occur with unspayed/neutered bunnies. my mom took care of the appt. since i was busy. I'm pretty sure she put him in a carrier to the place he was being fixed.

i extremely recommend getting your bunny fixed. i do remember when my boy bunny got fixed, we put a towel in his cage and mainly he rested. a little bit of blood was on the towel and his area didn't look good but it was part of whats suppose to happen. he was so much better after and safe when it came to other bunnies (if you know what i mean). is your bunny a girl or boy? is it true girl bunnies go into heat?

you should totally get him/her fixed. he'll/she'll be ok. trust me :)

btw it would also depend on the place the procedure happens.

hope this helps!!!!
If he never acts hormonal, you might not want to have him neutered, if he's never going to get a rabbit friend. People say spaying lengthens the lives of female rabbits, but not really for males being neutered.
LakeCondo wrote:
If he never acts hormonal, you might not want to have him neutered, if he's never going to get a rabbit friend. People say spaying lengthens the lives of female rabbits, but not really for males being neutered.

Totally agree.Depends on the Male and the circumstances too I think. Willard, my intact male who I thought was neutered, has never shown any agression whatsoever. Not even spraying, which I'm still waiting to see if this happens when Neville gets older. I'm really waiting to see if neutering is the thing for Willard.

Kreacher and Dobby were done because of the mounting of each other and potential fighting.

But definitely with females. Poor things are suseptible to health issues.


We just got our little George neutered two weeks ago. I would recommend it. He was peeing to mark his territory, and now he hasn't peed anywhere except his litter box. He is also becoming more friendly.

I took him to his regular vet for the nueter in his carrier. I had to work that day, so I brought him in before work and picked him up in the evening. The vet kept him until he was awake and nibbling on some hay.

He came home with a collar to prevent him from biting at his incision site. He hated it and got out of it twice,so we decided to leave him out of it. He didn't bother his incision site anyway.

The vet sent us 3 pre-measured oral syringes with pain meds that we administer once each evening.

The first day he just rested, but by the second day he wanted to be a little more active, so we had to keep him in his cage to ensure he rested and healed.
We also had to check his incision site everyday to monitor the healing. He did really well. He didn't get any infection or anything. The one odd thing we noticed was that his scrotum was swollen and it looked like he still had his testes. But after a few days the swelling went down.

Hope this helped you feel a bit more comfortable with taking you bun in.
I have had Harvey neutered. Best thing I did. He was a hormonal little nut tho. hahaha My was he a pain. He peed on everything, mostly the cats. I had him for about a month before I could neuter him and it only got worse. He was nonstop humping the cats by the end, which was just asking for him to get bit again.

Now he is so much calmer. He interacts with me more now that he isn't obsessed with the cats. The peeing and spraying of the cats and else where has stopped completely, as well as the mounting.

He's a much better rabbit now. Plus if I want to get him a girl friend, no worries on babies.