Getting another rabbit this weekend!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
I finally got tired of going to so many rabbitshows and seeing those too darn cute lionheads. I've made arrangementsto visit Judy Amon's rabbitry Saturday morning and will most likelycome home with one. And yes I promise to post photos. Also I probablywill be visiting a rabbitry in Beaver County, PA this weekend that justacquired a breeding pair of rare Enderby Island Rabbits last night. Iwill be going there for a photo session. I'm so psyched!!:colors:
Oh Lucky You, Mambo!

I am still working onmy wife, in trying to getPebbles a companion.

There is nothing goingon for rabbit shows here.:( So thebest thing is to seeall your photos. :D

Rainbows! :)
That's great news! I always see Mr Tumnus onthis forum and wish we had lionheads here, so I don't blame you forwanting to get one.

I'm visiting a rabbitry today myself, a friend of a friend of my motherowns one and I am excited to be able to go and visit HOARDES ofnetherland dwarfs and mini lops. It will be heaven :inlove:

Oh by the way pet_bunny, look at these cute little nethies! I lovelooking at netherland dwarfs after first seeing your Pebbles on here. Iam sorely tempted to get one of these little guys but they are about 3hours drive away so I will have to just dream of having a Pebbles of myown for now.

minilops wrote:
That's great news! I always see Mr Tumnus on this forum andwish we had lionheads here, so I don't blame you for wanting to get one.

I'm visiting a rabbitry today myself, a friend of a friend of my motherowns one and I am excited to be able to go and visit HOARDES ofnetherland dwarfs and mini lops. It will be heaven :inlove:

Oh by the way pet_bunny, look at these cute little nethies! I lovelooking at netherland dwarfs after first seeing your Pebbles on here. Iam sorely tempted to get one of these little guys but they are about 3hours drive away so I will have to just dream of having a Pebbles of myown for now.
C'mon now!! A three hour drive would be worth it for one of those little cuties!:)
Funny you should say that :shock: as I have anewly aquired bunny this afternoon :D. Not from the 3 hour drive butfrom the breeder I visited today, who I guess would only have been 10!And have more than 50 rabbits in all in tiny cages in her backyard withno shade or water. I bought a 9 week old mini lop. We have named herLucky :cool:. I don't think she was going to sell as she only has oneear lopped. She is very unfriendly and skittish and hates humans somuct not have been handled much.

The way they had the rabbits set up was horrible and I wanted to takethem all. I think I should ring the SPCA tomorrow because the cages arefar too small and it's far too hot out there for them.

Anyway sorry to hijack your thread, I wish you all the best in gettinga lionhead, they are such a cool breed :bunnydance:. I wish we had themhere.
Yeah i wish we had lionheads over here as well,iwould so love to see one in person,actually i had never heard of alionhead until i heard about them on another forum 2 yearsagoand when i first seen a picture of one i thought wow!!talk about different,they are just lovely and i would love to ownone.Maybe one day we will get that breed over here.....i hope:)

Minilops, congrats on your new bunny. Thosehelicopter ears can be quite cute too. Maybe you can try to educatethat young breeder on how to better care for her rabbits beforereporting them. It's possible they might appreciate that knowledge.Just a thought.:cool:
I was there for a couple of hours, talking toher mum too. Neither of them cared at all about anything I said. Theywere just interested in making money. It was a horrible place and Ihave honestly never seen anything like it.

The first rabbit in the first cage I saw did not respond at all to myaproach nor to me crouching down and talking to it, it just sat therewith it's eyes half closed and didn't move. One cage had around 5rabbits crouded in together, probably all around 4 months old. Flys andpoo were everywhere, including dog poo. Every single cage was small,even for breeders standards. The runs were caked in mud as were all therabbits feet. The cages were mostly metal boxs with small runs andinside the metal part each rabbit had one sheet of newspaper to sit on.No hay in any cages. One thing they did have was plenty of pelletsthough and they all looked pretty fat. When I said I would like to takeLucky the mother took her into this back room and injected her withsomething, when I asked what it was she said it was 'vaccinations' butI'm not sure what againts. She must have had 7 or so kids so didn'thave the time to talk. I felt sick and miserable after leaving there.

Lucky has fleas and a few scabs on her body, she also has longish nailsbut not too bad. I emailed the family last night and they told me tof-off so that is mainly why I want to call the SPCA, it's not somethingI would just go and do out of spite, I reallt feel that things wouldnot improve there.

I promise this is the last time I'll say anything about this on yourthread :). I just thought I should let you know I did try and talk tothem but they didn't give a stuff.
Sorry to hijack! Minilops,I'mglad your going to call on them. Whatjerks. Thosepoor bunnies. I cannot standto hear stuff like that, but, I need to face the reality that ithappens. Congrats on your new addition. Cute.
mambo101 wrote:
I've been thinking of some names for my new lionhead thatI'll be picking up on Saturday. So unless he already has a name, I'mleaning toward José.
I've always liked lionheads. Our local pet store always has 1 or 2 from the local breeder.

I'd probably name it Noah.

.......Noah Lion:laugh:

My new lionhead is home. He is a tort and I willbe calling him José. I won't be able to post photos till tomorrownight. Tomorrow I'll be doing a photo session at a rabbitry that justgot a pair of Enderby Island Rabbits so I'll be posting all of thosetommorow night also.