Getting a new camera! Anyone own a Fuji?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
After exhausted searching of reviews, I narrowedmy search down to a Kodak Z710 or a Fugi S5200. After reading reviewsand looking at pictures taken by the camera's, I decided on the FugiS5200. My friend owns a S5000 and the picture quality is amazing.Here's a link to the camera I am getting:

Does anyone here own a Fugi? Any opinions on the name brand? I've ownedan Olympus for a while, and I wasn't the biggest fan of the photoquality.
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I own a Fuji Finepix S5200. I absolutely loveit. If you're looking for handy dandy point and shoot, I wouldn't pickthis one. It's bulky and doesn't travel well.

However, the picture quality is amazing. The interface is very easy. Ididn't find this camara confusing in the least. All of my pictures aretaken with it so if you want to look through Loki's blog you'll seethem. Have fun camara shopping!

t and Loki
Pet_Bunny, thanks for the link to the timeline,I'll definitely check it out! What camera do you have that takes allthe amazing pictures of Pebbles? I've always loved the picture quality!

Loki, so glad to hear from someone who owns the camera! I currently owna 3MP from Olympus and I do not like the quality at all. However, it'sover 2 years old and I need to upgrade.

I'm taking Photography at school, actually I have a minor in it, with amajor in journalism, because I want to be a photojournalist. I found anSLR made by Fugi that I really like on QVC that's only $499. But I maywait until I get a little more advanced in my classes at LSU before Idive into the world of SLR's.

As far as a point and shoot, no problem. I already own a Canon pointand shoot that works wonderfully. I'm looking for something more forportraits and landscapes (which is what my Olympus was for). At school,I will have to have portfolio's turned in each semester, so I need agood camera with excellent picture quality to help get the landscapepicturesand image quality that I need. From what I've read onother reviews, the S5200 does look like a wonderful camera and youdefinitely can't beat the price.

Off to snoop through your blog now. :D
After spending countless hours scrutinizingevery detail of the 5200 or the 6000fd, I decided on the 6000fd. Moremoney, but it packs more power to the punch, so to say. Here's thelinks to it for anyone interested. The photo's it takes are AMAZING.

Here's the specs:

and a very in depth review (15 pages long, with several photos. You canskip to certain parts with the drop down box at the top):

And here's a gallery of pictures that have been taken with the camera:

This picture is my favorite. The color is INCREDIBLE:

Okay, that's all for now, LOL. BTW, I'm not buying this, my mother is.I decided I didn't like my iPod, so we're taking it back and she'sgetting me a new camera of my choice. She likes thisparticularone as well.

EDIT: This picture is a favorite as well. The quality on macro mode isamazing:
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Well i only have a point and shoot but it's aFujiFilm FinePix A340 and I hate it. I will never buy anotherFujiFilm camera again.
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
I will never buy another FujiFilm camera again.
Cameras have advanced quiteabit since the A340. Therewill always be improvementsthat are coming by sofast. Just likecomputers.... the one youjust bought is alreadyobsolete. :D

MyBoyHarper wrote:
What camera do you have that takes all the amazing pictures of Pebbles? I've always loved the picture quality!
I have the Nikon D200with the 18-200 f3.5VR Zoom lens.

I just bought the Nikon 70-200f2.8 VR Zoom lensonBoxing Day. Very fast and sharp.
The camera will eventuallybe replaced, but itthe lens that are theinvestments.

Rainbows! :)
MyBoyHarper wrote:
I decided on the 6000fd.
Looks like you found your camera. :D

I like the fact thatthe wide angle is 28mm. Not too manycamerasgo that wide.

You got to be carefulwhen they say imagestabilization.What Fujidoes is bump up theISO so you get ahigher shutter speed to reducethe hand shake. Thisonly increases the noiseif you're notcareful. Cameras likePanasonic, Canon have imagestabilization that help withtheblurring camera shakeespecially at the telephoto end.

Rainbows! :)
MyBoyHarper wrote:
Here is my nephew blowing out some candles.



Rainbows! :)
It's not only the camera, it's the company aswell. I pray you never have to deal with them for any warrenty repairsbecause if they can find an excuse to no repair it for free, they will.

My aunt just bought a newer SLR type from them and she's already looking for a new one.
Pet_Bunny, I just looked up the Nikon D200...holy cow! That's an expensive camera, but well worth the money from thepictures you've takenwith it. I will definitely get around tosomething like that eventually. I'm working my way up camera wise. The6000fd will be my first SLR-like camera, so I'm excited. I also plan tobuy a 1GB memory card to get me started.

I was worried about the so-called image stabilization. It has an ISO of3200, which is wonderful, to an extent. I've spent the day at piles ofwebsites reviewing the camera and piles of photo's, each taken atdifferent lightings and ISO's. The photo's, and all the reviews agree,that the pictures are superb all the way up to 800 ISO. At 1600 youbegin to see noticeable grain, but the pictures are still sharp forprinting4x6's. The 3200 is very grainy, but good for gettingthose night shots that are otherwise missed or seemingly impossible.

The pictures of your nephew are wonderful, fantastic color quality. I'mlooking for something like that in a lower price range, which is why Isettled on the 6000fd. I need it for my minor at school, and for theportfolio's that are going to be required. But, I am a largephotography nut by hobby, and I love getting nature photo's, landscape,and weather photo's. So I'm sure I'll enjoy my upgrade.

One thing I love about this camera, that I've seen so far from picturesand reviews, is it's potential for taking wonderful nighttime shots, aswell as macro shots as close as 1cm with no blurring or grain. Here's awonderful example from a review site. This woman took a picture of hercats nose, with no zoom, and natural daylight. It is *superb*:


I also love the low-light setting on it, which people seem to give alot of good reviews on. Here is a picture a lady took of an old millwith running water. She took it on the low-light setting. Here's herdescription:

"Here is the old mill shot at almost total darkness, only a street light about 500 feet away."

So far, I think I'm going to be very pleased. :D

Pet_Bunny, is there a site that you know of thatwill tell me which lenses are compatable with the 6000fd (or any sitethat tells me which add-on lenses are compatible with which camera)?I've seen a few people on different review boards talking about lensesthat they had bought for the camera, but I was curious as to which oneswere available. I am interested in a telephoto lense one day, after Iget familiar with the camera.

This camera onlyhas the one fixed lensethat is not detachable.If you want to changelenses you would haveto go toa realdSLR cameras.

There is an accessory screw onwide angle lense thatgoes on top of yourexisting lense. It would makethe focal length 22 mm.
Your 300 mm telephoto is longenough. Any longer,you would have to look atprofessional lenses, and adifferent camera.

There is a $50 rebate onyour camera now. CheckouttheFuji link uder theconsumer promotions ...

Here is anotherreview on the camera...

Rainbows! :)

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