Get them to eat grass

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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The two dutch brothers are 3 years old and have never eaten grass. They were merely raised on hay and pellets before I got them. They do like cabbage and kale and a carrot once in a while but that's it.
As a kid I would cut grass every day for my bunnies and they loved it.
Can I convert them to become grass eaters? And how do i do that? Are there tasty grasses out there?

Personally, I would not recommend feeding them cabbage as it is gassy, and I would be sure to limit the Kale (We give ours a small bit at most three times a week).

Also, I would not cut grass for them. When grass is cut, it ferments quickly and cause them to get an upset stomach, so it's better if you pull it out of the ground with your hands and give it to them right away or, of course, let them out to graze.

I've never had a rabbit live off grass before so I am curious to see the answers here. I always had the impression that hay was better for them, though, as it keeps the system moving and also helps with their teeth. I mean, we let ours out for snacks on grass and such and they do fine on it, just have to be sure to introduce it to them slowly.
I hand cut the grass with a knife. I have never seen any problem either with the bunnies or the guinea pigs. So I don't see the problem. I never gave them more than they would eat in a short time so it never got time to ferment.
Same here... My bun perfers grass over everything except some flowers. lol. He always has pellets and hay but he begs for grass still. Start out with just a little and check their poop to make sure it doesnt give them diarrhea. You can up it as you go. It shouldnt take to long for them.
I raise wheat grass in pots and cut it with scissors so it is very fresh--my bunnies love it as a treat. Plus, it will keep growing and in 3 weeks I can harvest again. Everyone of our buns likes different things, but, it's worth a shot.
It's fine to cut grass with scissors or a knife. It's mown grass that's the issue as that's crushed and finely cut which starts it fermenting.

I would just start by cutting a little and offering it to them, if they like it then just gradually build up the quantity. If they aren't sure then try mixing it in with the hay.
i was told by some doctors that the rabbit's tummy works perfectly fine with however the diet was since he is a baby. the doctor said to not MAKE ANY DRASTIC changes to his diet.... do it slowly. she also told me she had a bunny that comes in to see her THAT only eats carrots! and the poop is orangy too! that bunny was 8 yrs old. so what my doctor tried to say is that their tummy is used to whatever system they had since young....if u make sudden change, tummy gets upset! so do it slowly ;)
btw am trying to get my rabbit to eat more hay too! so i do not have to bring him to the doctor so often to get his teeth filed down! monthly! so hard! my rabbit gets upset with me when i don give him fruits,bread(i know its BAD but he is used to it) veges and pallet. i mean i still do but very minimal. so i keep an eye on his poop and also touch his tummy to make sure he does not have gas cause he is not eating much at the moment...cause he wants the SWEET stuff! naughty naughty!

any tips?

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