German Bunnys saying "Hi"!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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LI Border to Nassau, New York, USA

Me and my buns currently live in germany in a U.S. Military Housing Area. At first something about me: I'm part Spaniard and part Japanese, grew up in germany and basically had bunnys all my life. My husband is in the U.S. Military and were supposed to leave germany in 2007 to wherever the military sends us. I got tons of hobbys- the mostactive one is medival reenactment. I founded a group in 2003 and we go to fairs all over germany. My other hobbys are drawing, volleyball, horseback riding and flamenco dance.:bunnydance:

About my buns: I have currently 5 Lops...4 Teddy Lops and 1 Dwarf Lop. They are between 1 1/2 yrs and 4 weeks old. The baby Emily still lives with her mum Susi. I got most of the bunnys in germany- just Moses is from Spain ^^

Moses:Teddy Lop, siam. color- redblue eyes *ears stick up*

Susi (>Suzy<;) Teddy Lop , dark.siam. color- blue eyes.*ears stick up*

Salem: Dwarf Lop, black- brown eyes *huge ears!*

Jasmin:(Yasmeen) Teddy Lop,white- bluegrey eyes

Emily: Teddy Lop, greybrown- brown eyes..*not sure about ears yet*

I took in a couple of Lops whos ears didnt become floppy. That happens from time to time ^^

Thats it for now..I hope I didnt leave anything out. I already found thode cool bunny blogs. i will see if i can post pictures there of the bunny family.


edit: oops I actually wanted this to be in the new members area...sry :?
Welcome to the forum! Can't wait to see pics!! I think that medieval reenactment is sooo cool. If you have some time, can you PM more about it? I'm facinated with the medieval times.

You have a lot of bunnies. Must keep you busy. I have 4 and they are a lot of work. Mine are Rice, Beans, Marshmellow (aka Marshy) and Tank. I believe Beans is a britannia petite. She was my first. Then came Rice, a netherland dwarf, then Marshy, who's her sister and sat in a pet shop for over a year! I got her cuz i felt so bad seeing her in there all the time. Then came my newest Tank, who's either a mini or holland lop. He's all black and runs around slamming into stuff like a tank machine so I named him Tank. :)
Hi Mümmel! Welcome to the forum! :welcome1

What is the difference between the Teddy Lops and Dwarf Lops?
Which one is that in your avatar?
Would they be similar to our Mini Lops and Holland Lops.?

Rainbows! :)

Sure Iwill send you a PM about it. Susi was waiting for a new owner for 7 months too until I came along. Noone wanted her because shes a lop but her ears are sticking up. Thats Susi in the avatar btw.


I only had 2 buns before and I find a couple more buns dont really add that much more work to it. Right now only Moses and Salem are living here. I was supposed to get the girls in June but Susi got pregnant so I have to wait til end of juli because Susi is still raising the babys. The girls life with a big family and we have good contact.


Teddy lops have long hair all over and are the size of regular dwarf lops. The one in the avatar is Susi shes a pure Teddy Lop but her ears never became floppy.

Teddys are bigger than Mini Lops..I dont know what you call Holland lops? Isn't Holland a color?:dutch

I think Teddys are Teddys anywhere just that breed isnt that popular yet.



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