Geriatric Rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Well, I've been doing my homework this week. WithRex's 6th birthday looming I knew I needed to gather information on thecare of elderly buns. And I thought I should share my new-foundknowledge with my bunny friends :); hopefully this will serve as aresource for owners of geriatric rabbits (techinically, that's any bunover 6) and others can add any of their own helpful info.

Geriatricsand Chronic Disease - by Carolynn Harvey, DVM - anoverview of many chronic diseases and disability that can affect olderrabbits, and best approaches for treating them, with the main focusbeing quality of life. They also suggest a good "Geriatric HealthMaintenance Program".

Careof the Elderly Rabbit - by Jeffrey R. Jenkins, DVM

Treasuring Your Older Bun

Howto Manage the Geriatric Rabbit - by Karen L. Rosenthal,DVM - very informative link courtesy of Buck :)

In many of these articles they talk about conditions like abscesses,dental problems, eye problems, etc. It may be helpful for owners to, asI did, look up each of these conditions to get more detailedinformation. I'd be happy to provide links for those if anyone wantsmore info :)

I also found this page - which is useful for any bunny owner - butcould be especially helpful if your rabbit is suffering from arthritisor decreased mobility:

TheBlissful Bunny - Basic Massage for Happy House Rabbits

I hope that all of this information is helpful. Taking a page from Buck(no pun intended), I've made my own "bunny book", printing off severalinformative web pages and organizing them in a binder. The more I knowabout what to expect, the more I can enjoy my bunnies "golden years"

~Emily, Rex and Peanut
*bump* Carolyn, would this be useful to add tothe Cheat Sheet post? I know that only a few of us have older buns, butit could be helpful :)

Great information, m.e.! You bet it's worth adding to the Cheat Sheet post, and I most certainly will do so tomorrow.

Thanks for thinking of us all, as you always do.


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