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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
I already have my gerbils and adore them, but was wondering if anyone knew of any sites similar to this one but for gerbil enthusiasts.

Also, does anyone else here have gerbils? I'd love to meet more people who love the little critters!
I have a gerbil! He is black with a white stripe under his chin. His name is Gilbert; he was a surrender at my vet's office, and they didn't know what to do with him so I took him home. I've had him about 2 years and he is really funny and cute.

I wanted to get him a friend, but at the time I had aone room apartment and everyone said 2 males won't get along. But, he's a happy little fellow.

I don't have a gerbil forum, but I just wanted to say hi.
Gilbert sounds adorable! I think males can do well together if introduced properly. Same sex pairs are okay in gerbils. But it sounds like Gilbert is happy and healthy and that's what counts!

I have two gerbils - Himmi and Mott. Himmi is a himalayan and Mott is a brown and white mottled (don't know the correct color terminology). I know the names are oh-so-creative, ha ha, but they work. And they have really come to suit the little buggers!

I'd love to see pics of Gilbert if you have any. I don't have pictures of my guys since they move around too much, but I really do love them. They're pretty awesome little critters,
Alexah wrote:
I have two gerbils - Himmi and Mott. Himmi is a himalayan and Mott is a brown and white mottled (don't know the correct color terminology). I know the names are oh-so-creative, ha ha, but they work. And they have really come to suit the little buggers!
A himi gerbil?:faint:if you can get pictures, I'd love to see them! I used to have a gerbil...brown but she died. At least I'm pretty sure it was a she, it was like in 2004.
I have gerbils - many, many gerbils. =P

I used to breed them, but got out of it some time ago.
The forum I used to go on was

I left because it started getting a bit out of control (not enough mods and too many new members), but I don't know if it might have calmed down a bit now.

If you can get some pics of your guys I could probably tell you what colour they actually are. ;) Sunflower seeds work great for getting them to sit still. =P


delusional, your picture for "Bunnies:" is sooo cute! all zeh little cartoon buns that look exactly like the real ones. very creative!
when i was young we had 2 male gerbils together, and they got along just fine!;) i think they were brothers though, so that might be part of why they got along.
I have 7 gerbils. James is a single male. He used to have a buddy, but he died, his name was David. Lincoln and Vincent are 2 males. They are grey and white. Medea and Debbie are females and both grey. Sara and Veronica and females. I don't know what the color is called, but one is grey and white and the other is light brown and white.
I have had others in the past. My first one was a black male named Slyvester, he was paired with an albino male named Dude.