Gerbil Nutrition

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
Reaction score
Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA
I adore my Gerbils (Barnum and Baily), but they have become watermelons with legs. I am afraid I am loving them to death. They get exercise in their wheels, some play time out of the cage, and lots of digging/chewing with cardboard. I think their diet may be too rich. They get a table spoon of echotrition once a day and greens at night. Any suggestions to help them loose a bit of weight?

Hello! :)
How old are they? Are they male or female? What are the kept in?

The dry food amount sounds right. So I don't think you are over doing that. :D

Gerbils don't need greens (but they can have them). What kinda greens are they getting?

ETA: actually, the food mix could be a part of it. ecotrition (guessing that's what you meant? :p) is a good mix but it has higher amount of protein (16%) and non-breeding adult gerbils should have around 12%. That could cause a bit of bulkiness. :p If they are over two years old they can run on even less protein (10-11%) and less fat (3-5%).
Boz, thank you! I will check out changing their food. Do you suggest something in particular?

They are both males, about 2 years old. I have had them for about a year. They have only bulked up recently, that is why I was confused.

They are in a 20 gallon tank with a mesh top. I have their wheels secured to the top so they don't get bedding stuck or knocked over. Whenever they get low on cardboard I toss more in. They make the coolest little tunnels with it.

The greens are whatever the bunns are getting that week. I rotate through spring mixes, petite lettuces, etc. Basicly dark green and red leaf mixes. Occasionally I will give them a little bit of the herbs as well. Ironically their favorite is dill and the bunnies are not fond of it. They get a baby carrot to share on their gothcha day and Christmas.
Males tend to bulk up more with age and they do tend to carry their weight more obviously. And if they are around two, it makes sense! I think it's probably just that. It's nothing you are doing wrong. :p Ecotrition is a very good food. Can you weigh them at all? A food scale works great. Usually we weigh gerbils in grams.

The greens are fine. Normally I only give mine a little bit. They live in the wild and normally don't eat a lot of greens, mostly seeds and small insects.

The tank sounds perfect! Gerbils love to chew and dig. :) And the wheel if fine too. :D

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