I read a lot of the posts on this website. I did not want to interfere with other posts, so here is my new one...
Question 1) How often do you clean scent glands? Are they easy to see?
Question 2) How do you know if food is moldy. I feed Kaytee Timothy Complete pellets, (no Oxbow at my pet store). I have never had a problem, but I may come across one some day. Will it smell a certain way? Will I be able to see it?
Question 1) How often do you clean scent glands? Are they easy to see?
Question 2) How do you know if food is moldy. I feed Kaytee Timothy Complete pellets, (no Oxbow at my pet store). I have never had a problem, but I may come across one some day. Will it smell a certain way? Will I be able to see it?