General apology

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I just wanted to post a general apology...Ihaven't been on the site much, and really haven't been keeping up wellenough (in my own opinion) with my Host-ly duties since losing sweetDaisy puppy. I'm sorry, guys.

It's been really difficult getting up the ability to read about others'animals since losing such a dear friend. I know she wasn't mypuppy, but I'd known her since she was about a month old, and livedwith her for quite a few years, so I feel like I've lost one of myown. I mostly feel horrible that I didn't get a home in timefor her to play in a big backyard to live out the rest of her yearshappily. I can't help but feel so horrible for not making itin time...and feel so guilty.

But, again, I'm sorry I haven't been on much. It's been really hard.

I really wanted to be here for everybody, as well as all the new folksthat joined, but I know I missed some in there, and feel sobad! :(

I don't mean to make a post that's such a "downer", more wanted to sendout a general apology, and a great big welcome to all the new membersthat I missed saying hello to. :)

Really do love you guys! :hearts

Hugs to all,

Welcome back! Stop beating yourself up - itscompletely understandable. Losing a pet is very difficult. Take yourbreaks when you need them. We are happy to see you here when you can be.

Don't worry about it!:) You deserve a breakafter such a bad hing happened. Just remember we are all here for you,I think most of us will probably know what it's like.

No apologies necessary.;)

A wise and caring person once told me not to "wear the hair shirt"...iow don't beat yourself up over it. K?

Dont worry hun!

You know, with summer being over, there have been a lot of people that havent been on as much.

We do what we can and thats all that we can do!
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate thecaring words. I hate to feel so callous and not want to comeonto the site, especially when I have responsibility here to say howdyto the new folks.

I think it's a general feeling of, if I couldn't even help Daisy, how can I help others? Ya know?

All in all, I know I'll be okay. I think it'll help if I makea little memorial for her that we'll eventually put in our backyard foreveryone to see. The general idea is to put it where it wouldbe unmistakably seen, so that everyone that sees it asks who I can tell her story. I think that would be a goodway to honor her in what she had to go through, and it would probably,in some ways, teach and remind others that animals most definitely havefeelings and need love and care, too. That way, if someonecomes to our house that isn't giving their animal enough love andattention, and they hear Daisy's story, it'll remind them that theyshould cherish their furbaby(ies) and spend more time withthem. I think in some ways, it's what Daisy would want, couldshe speak with words...prevent other animals from suffering the way shedid.

Anyway, I'm coming around. I've noticed that I'm having moredesire to come online and talk to people, so I know that's a good thing.

Thanks so much for your understanding, guys, and for being there for me. I'm sure Daisy thanks you, too.

Wonder what the Rainbow Bridge is like when you include a huge Boxerdog like Daisy in the mix? I'm sure Buck's having such a timeplaying with her...she's so lovable and fun!

I was thinking of changing Maisie's middle name to Daisy, as well. Does Maisie Daisy sound too silly? :)
I think Maisie Daisy sounds really nice, not toosilly! What a great way to remember her by.:bunnyangel: Gladto hear you're coming round too.


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