Gender blunder

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
I sold 3 kits and kept one, I think she's afemale but im really not sure! at what age would a kit start chinningthings if it were a male? because only males chin right??? and when dothe testicals descend? I read it was 3 months! Please help guys!!!!!:?:D

Oh, no, my females chin just as much, if notmore then my boys. Daisy and Basil just chin, chin, chin theentire room. They chin their own cages and everyoneelse's. They chin anything they can get their little chins on.

I think the testicles descend between three and four months. But I could be wrong.


I was gonna say, Oh no I better check Chinny!LOL I should anyhow I think, but she looked right before we took andsaid Yep a girl. She chins EVERYTHING even carrots :?
Chinning has become a game in my house thesedays... Cleo will chin something, then Pez will come along right behindher and chin the stuff she has already chinned. Then when welet the new baby out for a run she goes around and chins everything Pezdid. Then it begins again, I sat there and countedhow many times my toes had been chinned today and it was 56times. I am not sure who I belong to know.... Am now waitingfor my to chin my foot too to claim his stake lol


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