Gas/Bloat/GI Stasis?!?

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2013
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So my bunny is a 3 1/2 year old dwarf lionhead. Ever since Monday, when we got back from his tooth trim, he's been acting kind of funny, like he didn't like being petted and hugged as much as usual but I thought he was just mad because he really doesn't like getting tooth trims. On thursday, in the morning he ate some pellets, but he stopped after eating just a few which was weird since he loved pellets. But then he was fine after a few hours and ate normally. Today at around 8pm, he pooped a lot, just randomly on my carpet which was unusual. When I went to feed him his dinner at 9:30, he didn't come and he refused to eat anything at all.
He usually eats a handful of pellets once in the morning and once at night, and unlimited timothy hay. He also gets about a cup of veggies every night. I'm not completely sure when he stopped eating, but the last time he pooped was around 7 hours ago and now he keeps going to different places and just trying to get comfortable. His stomach is swollen feeling and he sits strangely, like with his hips jutting out.
I syringe fed him the baby gas medicine and tried to massage his tummy but it does not seem to be helping. I also force fed him just a tiny bit of water and literally just one pellet. He doesn't like eating or drinking now, and he won't even eat alfalfa hay or anything now. He usually loves eating so it's really worrying me. Also I'm not sure when I can bring him to the vet because it's 3am right now and everything's closed and I have to teach kids in church tomorrow. I'm really worried that it might be bloat because in that case, there isn't much to do.
update: I syringe fed him some watered pellets at 4am and it made him want to drink water so he drank a lot of water and then he ate a mint leaf too. After that he started gaining his appetite back and he ate more mint leaves and some pellets. ALSO HE POOPED AND PEED SO THAT'S GOOD. At around 6:30am he started acting normalish again and started to be naughty and decided to disturb me while i tried to nap so he's definitely feeling better but I'm bringing him to the vets tomorrow for sure