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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Pheotown, IL :D, Illinois, USA
Well, I go to a huge middles school (there is around 300 7th graders, and thats just one grade!)

So we always have tons of germs going around. The latest is the stomach flu. I've been feeling really weird yesterday and today, and tonight I felt super sick all of a sudden, then I threw up :(!


So i'll probobly be home tommarow (!) :D!
Oh man, that totally stinks! That's the sickness I fear most. I hate to be sick like that:shock:.

I hope this is the 24 hour one, that's what has been going around here. Feel better very soon. Keep hydrated-if you can. I know Bo B just got over this too:(.
Yep, im home!

I still feel really bad, but I haven't puked in a while.

You know that feeling then you have the flu, where you just feel shaky and dizzy? Thats what I feel like :(.
*hugs* keep yoruself hydrated and keep your sugar level up too (pedialyte might help if you can keep it down).

I hope you feel better soon :( and I hopr I don't catch this via the ether.
Yup...I know the dizzy/shaky feeling all too well. I'm sure you know already and others have said, keep yourself hydrated, don't exert too much energyand just chill! :biggrin2:

You've got to love technology and laptops. I swear, the comfort of laying out in bed beats sitting at a desk anytme.

Feel better!
oh man! That's what we had a couple of weeks ago, Silvie. It's miserable. You won't feel well for about 3 days I think. You'll be weak, tired, and we got fevers from dehydrating. If you can, drink as much water and other clear liquids.

Bo B Bunny wrote:
If you can, drink as much water and other clear liquids.

But not alcohol! :p(and that's not just because of your illness)
You sent me your sickness. Lol just kidding.

I've not been able to hold anything in me for longer then an hour. I had popcorn and I instantly had a sore stomach, same with dinner last night. Atleast I'm on christmas hollidays, My mom is letting me stay home tomorrow because there's no point in going, no one is going to go.

Hope you feel better.

P.S My Science teacher said if you can drink as much gatoraid and poweraid. It may be full of sugar but its full of nutrients that replenish your body water (hence 'Power" aid) Thats why athleats drink it to replenish all thier water that was lost by sweating.

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