Fur worries

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Jun 20, 2013
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Ok, so this might sound a bit strange and me just being paranoid, but since about a week now my 3 year old lionhead rabbit's fur has felt like areas have been made wet and then dry so they're kind of bristly. I brush my bunny's coat and it goes back to being smooth, but the next time I go back to him his coat is like it again. It's not all over, just a patch here or there. I'm thinking maybe he presses his body against his water bottle and so his coat gets wet? (Though I can't really imagine him doing this.) Is it possible that he is licking his fur that much? He is moulting at the moment, but I've never know/seen him lick that much and make his coat wet.

Has anyone else experienced this before? Or know what it could be?

My Ash has a werid bristly feeling under his chin and I think its from water dripping under there when he drinks. Also he sometimes sits under his water bottle and it gets on his fur. Is it his whole entire coat that gets bristly? Or just one spot. If its only one spot is it always in the same place ir in different area's each time.
I am also wondering whether it's always in the same spot or not, if it is I should think it's worth checking the skin underneath and around that spot. I don't see straight water making a rabbit's fur bristly after getting wet, but something like mucus or similar would do that when drying.
he could have teeth problems, making him salivate a lot so when he licks his fur it gets extra wet. check his chin periodically for drooling. rabbits don't sweat so i don't think the dampness came from his skin.

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