Fur loss

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
Reaction score
MN, Minnesota, USA
I just noticed a little bit of fur missing on my buns ear. Also looks like theirs dandruff, is this just dry skin or could it be ear/fur mites? ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1400459412.781242.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1400459429.211123.jpg
It does look like the beginning of ear mites. Is that the same rabbit as the one in your other post?
Nope, this is a different rabbit. I have these ear drops that treat/prevent ear mites, should I use this on him? I'm not sure if it's expired because I got it a few years ago. Or I can take him to the vet but if it's not necessary I would rather not because I'm already taking my other bun.
I think if you took him to the vet they could do a scraping and see whether its mites or not. That way you could make sure it isn't related to what your other rabbit has.

But until you decide what to do, for mites you could clean his ear with mineral oil, olive oil, and see if that helps. Here's a link where people say it actually works.
The pictures of the ears look like my Cocos ears and she had mites- I treated with Revolution puppy & kitten and it's working a treat! And yes you do need to treat all your buns- I had to do my other 6 buns + chuck out all my carpet, boxes, toys, beds & stuffed teddies in my bunny play world which is half a shed and refurbish it all again with new stuff! I was a little extreme but I cant afford a mite infestation as my girl Coco is a special needs bunny who can't scratch herself so I of everything for her! But yes treat all and give everything a good wash and vacuum.
I'm taking him to the vet on Wednesday, until then I'll probably use olive oil. But I'm not sure how he would get ear mites. He is housed outside but I keep everything clean and I've had them outdoors for years and never had troubles with mites or anything.
My bunnies had that exact same thing. I took snowy to the vet and he said it was frostbite! I felt so guilty for letting that happen. Anyways, it could possibly be frostbite. I think your bunnies are housed outside...? If it is, just wait for it to fall off. You can help it along by gently putting a warm, damp washcloth on the ears.

If it is frostbite, it probably happened early in the spring and is just showing up now.

Obviously, if your bunnies are housed indoors or if you live in a warm climate, it's not frostbite and it's probably mites.
That's interesting! I live in Minnesota so it gets really cold but they were in my garage this winter. it's not heated so it did get pretty cold in there. I think I put them back outside sometime in March so it could be frostbite.

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