funny smell

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

just to tell you whenever i go out of the room were lucys cage is and i retuen after a few hours

there is a horrible pong

it smells more like a hamsters cage

we use a spray to clean her cage out

but would love to elimanate the smell

any help would be great

i was even going to cinsider gettibg a steam cleaner like carolyn said

varna xxxx
Does it smell like onions and hay mixedtogether? Vash's poots smell like that and boy do they hangin the air. Did you feed your bun anything newtoday? Is it on the cage itself or is it just in theair? Cleaning with white vinegar will help eliminate odorsfrom the cage.

Jenniblu is right on, Varna. Vinegar should help eliminate the odor.Any changes in her diet? Any difference in her eating, pooping, orpeeing?

I do love my steam cleaner. It makes not only cleaning rabbit cages easier, but the whole house.


Jenniblu wrote:
Does it smell like onions and hay mixed together?Vash's poots smell like that and boy do they hang in the air.Did you feed your bun anything new today? Is it on the cageitself or is it just in the air? Cleaning with white vinegarwill help eliminate odors from the cage.
That's what it smells like when they use their anal scent glands too. PEEE U!!!

You know, I know the whole idea is "I LOVE THISAND IT"S MINE" so I should feel loved....... but somehow smelly poos onme doesn't say "love" like a nice kiss does LOL!
Eewh! Anal scent glands? Sowe are just smelling "love" then? :phahahahaha toofunny, Bo, I love the way you spin everything so positively.
LOL! Yep, it's LOVE you smell LOL! I like that!

They have the option not to use those glands or to use them.... so theyare choosing to show us their love...... aren't we lucky?!?!:?
Oh yeah. I just hope I don't smellanymore "love" today. They probably think the same thingabout our deodorant, perfumes, and colognes.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! Yep, it's LOVE you smell LOL! I like that!

They have the option not to use those glands or to use them.... so theyare choosing to show us their love...... aren't we lucky?!?!:?
Oh, this is just such a lovely thing!! LOL I must say, I'mvery glad my buns chose to show their love with little kisses and thewant for pets then with this method.



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