I've not seen any more cecals today, his poopy is normal and he is peeing normal. The sneezing is calming down, there is no bedding in his cage, its just an aluminum cage, no wire bottom just flat and a little slippery I am having another untreated plywood board made since the last one was marked by Trix and making training difficult. I am litter training him and it is going well, his litter box has a grid so that he doesn't sit directly in his urine or poops, I use recycled newspaper bedding for litter, its dust free, scent free and eco- friendly not sure what its called

but its really absorbent and most importantly safe for bunny

I was thinking of going out to the market for veggies today, but I wasn't sure if i should because of his belly getting used to the new diet, not sure what they were feeding him at the pet shop,all i know is that they kept the bunnies in pine shavings :X I was not impressed to say the least and im glad i saved him from that place

he also has urine stains on his feet, probably thanks to the white fur and being let to pee where ever he wanted to. We just got him this past wednesday,so he is still getting used to our place, so far so good, I have him out 2 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs at night to make sure he doesn't get too overwhelmed and get potty trained better

I will keep an eye on his sneezing, but he is looking happy for now, I guess its obvious with all the binkies and smiles I've been getting, Ive already been chinned 5 times today:highfive::biggrin2: