Funny and Unusual Things

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
The special bunny song thread made me think this might be fun. So I'll start:

I'll be sitting in front of the couch and Steph will be hiding in thehall. I'll start to say "Where's my Stephie bunny at? Where's my littlebaby Stephie bunny?" Then she races back in the room, does 2 bunny500's around the couch then plops right in front of me.

Sometime when I'm watching tv she'll sit right in front of me and watch tv too.

Not so unusual, but she ALWAYS goes spastic when she sees me bringingher plate of veggies in the morning and evening. You'd think it wasgoing to be her last meal.

OK now you guys take it from here.:p
I'm sure I'll ad some in the future.

Lenci can smell a banana from a mile away. In fact, lastnight I had a banana smoothy and she could smell it in mysmoothy!! She came running out of her cage, up on two legs,jumping around, flicking her head, throwing her toys, until finallymommygave in and gave her a fresh banana. She's socute when she begs. It's pitiful. God I love thatbunny!

Lenci throws the worst temper tantrums of any bunny I know.If I scold her for chewing the carpet, she'll thump, give me the bunnybutt, run into her cage and throw everything around - including herlitterbox and timber hide-away. She can be such abrat! But it's so funny to watch her spaz out. :D

Lenci will not move out of "her spot" for anyone or anything.You could hit her with the batmobile a dozen times and push her withthe vacuum and she's not going anywhere! I have to pick herup and move her in order to vacuum. Haha!


Iszy is so fun to watch. She'll run around the house doingbinkies and run into the heating vent just to make noise. Iknow she does this on purpose because she does it over and overagain. Also, unlike Lenci, Iszy is afraid ofEVERYTHING. She grunts and growls at the broomstick even whenit's nowhere near her. She especially hates thebatmobile. Just the sound of it makes her run to her cage andmosh pit. :D

Iszy is my little prairie dog. When I come home she greets meon two legs with her cute little face. She'll run back andforth around her cage until mommy comes over to pet her...then she runsaway. She's such a snot but I love her. Hehe!
Peppy has some weird behaviours...starting with the cute one...

When I wake up in the morning I can see him acrossed the room and I say"Good morning Peppy!" and he stands up on his back legs and puts hishead to the top of the cage, and he'll stand there till I come over andpet him.

The weird one...when it's time to cut his nails, I usually have theclippers in my hand and I'll say "Peppy, its time to cut those claws ofyours off" and I show him the nail cutters and then he rolls over onhis back, like...he plays dead so I won't have to do it? lol its reallyweird!!!

Everynight Samson does his Bunny500 in his cage...I wake up to probablymost of his shavings from his cage on the floor outside of it...:X

Now onto Maggie, she's a follower. If you walk to one side of the room,you'll hear *patter patter patter* behind you, and when you stop, shestops. Then if you go to the other side of the room you hear *patterpatter patter* and she'll do this no matter where you go.

Lissa wrote:
Iszy is my little prairie dog. When I come home she greets me on twolegs with her cute little face. She'll run back and forth around hercage until mommy comes over to pet her...then she runs away. She's sucha snot but I love her. Hehe!

Lol!! Lissa, we thought it was just our Cupcake baby that does that!Every morning or any other time we are near her hutch, she stands up onher hind legs and just gazes up at us until we pick her up or give herkisses. We call her "our little prairie dog" too! She has now figuredout how to jump the 3 foot wall of her hutch, and can now get out onher own :?

We now find her lying down, relaxing in the middle of our reptile room,just checking out all the geckos and lizards. We always hear a softthud, and we know "Oh! Cupcake's on the loose again!"

MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
The weird one...when it's time to cut his nails, I usually have theclippers in my hand and I'll say "Peppy, its time to cut those claws ofyours off" and I show him the nail cutters and then he rolls over onhis back, like...he plays dead so I won't have to do it? lol its reallyweird!!!

No! Tell me it isn't so! LOL
I play "I'm gonna get you nose!" with Benji.

I walk slowly up to his cage and tell him that "I'm gonna get hisnose". He comes over to the side of the cage, lowers his head, and sitsvery still. I slowly point one finger at his nose and tell him againthat "I'm gonna get it". I move my hand very slowly toward his nose andjust before I touch it Benji shakes his head, jumps back, and thumps.Then he comes back to the side of the cage and we do it all over again.After we're done I say " keep it" and he comes over for a noserub.


JimD wrote:
I play "I'm gonna get you nose!" with Benji.

I walk slowly up to his cage and tell him that "I'm gonna get hisnose". He comes over to the side of the cage, lowers his head, and sitsvery still. I slowly point one finger at his nose and tell him againthat "I'm gonna get it". I move my hand very slowly toward his nose andjust before I touch it Benji shakes his head, jumps back, and thumps.Then he comes back to the side of the cage and we do it all over again.After we're done I say " keep it" and he comes over for a noserub.

We play "gonna get the bunny!" and spider walk ourfingers to him. He acts like he doesn't see our hand as we dothis, then when we get to him..... he either jumps straight up or turnsaround to "get us!" lol. Then he takes off shaking hishead.... to only come back for more "gettin the bunny".
what a lovely game jimd

im going to try it with lucy

But she'llprobebly run away

you always britten me up


Pebbles would always chase us, as we run up anddown the hall way. She runs so fast that she ends up crashinginto the back ofour feet. We have a 12 foot longtube that she tunnels through and you can hear the pitter patter of herfeet inside it. The funny thing is she stops in the middle,can't turn around so she comes out backwards! Sometimes shewould do the wholetube in reverse!

Another game we give her is an open topappleboxfilled with shredded paper. I cut out a little hole at thebottomfor her to climb in. She would go inandpush and pull all the paper out of thebox.Once all the paper was out she would turnaround and pull the paper back into the box.


Cinnamen is just a werid Bunny in Genral! LOL!
my brother comes in she smells him then if he moves She will run tome.. where it is safe! LOL.. and then when she wants crasins and shecan get to them she will start to chew on the bag! one day she was inthe kitchen and i had the Crasins with, and they were still open (iforgot to close it! how could i forget?! LOL) then she walked right upto it.. sniffed it then she bit the side and picked it up and threw itand crasins came out! and she ran right to those! LOL

another one is.. my dog will have Straw stuck to her (we have the outso she is warm outside) and she (Cinnamen) kept on playing with onepicking it up and throwing it.. then my mom took one and dragged itacross the floor, and Cinn would follow it ANYWHERE it went trying toget it!

she is now in the Chinning part! i'll stick my hand in the cage to pet her, and then she starts to Chin my hand! lol!

well those are my stories! LOL
Everyone's bunny's are so cute :p

Pet_Bunny, you reminded me of one: when Nepo usedto go to the back of the fridge he would squeeze himself to get in andthen go backwards to go out lol he looked so cute doingthat.

He also sometimes follows my dad when he runs and it's really cute too.

And he smiles :), when I move my fingers in acircular movement around his wiskers they will sometimes stay like thatand he looks like Winn-Dixie ( the dog from the movie that smiles too)and then he uses his paw to get it back to normal. Which I think isadorable.

I think when he flops it's really cute too he willgo on his side and immeadetly turn back to normal and lick the couchlol :p
- Rex dances to classical music

- Peanut gives kisses on command

- Rex...*giggle* tries to roll over onto his back *snicker*...He's notexactly made for laying on his back. So he keeps listing to oneside and trying to roll back onto his back again. He looks like he'shaving a spasm.
LOL, JimD.

Poor Lenci and little, innocent, sweet, Iszy! I can't imagine chasing them with a batmobile...

A favorite game for Vash when I first got him wasto play "bull." He would wait until I was on all fourscleaning out his cage, then he would take off running andsnortingat meand head butt me in the bottom withall his might. After I got up off the floor, he would just besitting there looking all innocent then binky off (with laughter Ibelieve). Later, he would come up for a scratch between theears. Now, he likes to slobber and tug on my pants while Ipet him. I have to wrestle the pants out of his mouth -- thenhe will lick my hand and arm all over. He gets so happyplaying this new game he purrs and buzzes the whole time.

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