FUNDRAISER: Christmas Cards

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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I am going to be making Christmas Cards, and selling them, to raise money for SRR.

The idea behind them is that they can be personalised to each person.

I made some mock-ups madewith paper to give a general idea of what the cards might look like.

Here are the choices. (Whilst they are portrait, they can be made to landscape too).

Card A: 8.5cm by 18cm


Card B: 10.5cm by 15cm


Card C: 12.5cm by 17.5cm (although the width might change).


Each card will be made from white card, and the photo will be on glossy photo paper from our photo printer. I am also able (and for mine I will) add extras to finish the card (but that is optional).

These are two cards I have finished and will be using myself.


Unfortunately the cards have been pretty unsuccessful (sorry Julie), so if anyone wants to order and order more than 5, then go for it.
If you would like your own photos used on these cards, then attach them to the e-mail with the order 'form', however, if you would like me to use pictures of my buns then feel free to visit my website ( ) where you can see my buns and decide which one/s you want. Also, all the pictures of my rabbits will be Christmas pictures, mostly not what you will see of that site, unless you specify otherwise. The insides of the cards can be blank, or you have the option of one of two messages.

Each card will cost £1.00 plus P&P (which, to the UK, will be very minimal, I will find that out asap, but as of yet, I am unsure). I am willing to post overseas too, however the P&P will be more. I am not sure how the payingwill work at the moment, but you can still place your orders, and as soon as I/we know, I'll put it in this thread. (for paying through Paypal, see the bottom of this post)

If you would like to place an order, please e-mail me at [email protected] and copy, paste and fill in the following italiced (if that's a word)info. If you REALLY don't want to e-mail, then PM will be fine.

How many cards would you like?

Which design would you like each of these cards to be? Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5

Have you attached pictures for me to use?

If yes, which picture would you like used on which card/s?

If no, which rabbit/s of mine would you like on the card/s?

Would you like extras on the cards (such as the sequins or paw prints on the card shown above)?

Would you like the inside of your card left blank or would you like a message?

If you would like a message you can either have 'Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' or 'Wishing you a magical Christmas. May the season bring you special moments and lasting memories'. Please specify which one you would like.

Is there anything else you want me to know/take into consideration whilst making these cards?

What is your RO forum name?

What address would you like me to post the finished cards to?

How much, in total, will you be paying?

Have you paid yet?

I'm really not sure how long it will take to make them, so once I have got a couple of orders or so, I will post on here and ask for no moreorders until I have made them, and then re-open the chance to order them. It will be done on a first come, first served basis.

ETA extra question to the order form. Apologies to those who have already ordered that you did not get that option but I only just found what I was looking for. and thanks to whoever gave me powers to edit this.
Hi Flashy, Your cards look fabulous and they are unique to every rabbit afficionado!

I want to order several of Card B myself yet I'll do so a little later on depending on your orders received.

Once I complete the December 2007 newsletter publicizing the good things RO members do, I hope new members will join in. This forum does so much to educate and increase the comraderie of rabbit friends.

Thank you so much for what you're doing to help our SRR intakes; rescued furr babes and adults. TF (Julie)

Wow that is such a great idea, Tracy. Thank you so much for offering to do this!!

I also have some awesome pics of Tumnus in a santa costume that I would be happy to share if anyone would like a model for their card..



Do you have paypal? If not and you need people to pay you over the internet Id be happy to channel it through my account.

Thanks again. I'll be ordering some soon :)

I LOVE this idea - but I have a question. Do you remember the picture of you showing a rabbit a drawing of how to breed?

Would it be possible to get some cards like that (style B)?

I LOVE that picture and I am thinking that I could send that to some breeder friends to make them laugh.

I wouldn't need it before Christmas as I could send something like that anytime...

Let me know if that would be possible..

Hi, What a great idea! I've actually been looking for a rabbit rescue or shelter that was doing holiday cards as a fundraiser. Both the ASPCA and the Humane Society do fundraiser cards but none of them have rabbits on them. Just tonight I was looking at the Bunny Bytes site to see what they had. This is great. I'll wait forthe instructions andthe cost of sending them to the U.S. I don't have a PayPal account so I might take you up on your offer, Haley.

I also just want to put in a plug about how wonderful SRR is. Julie and her husband are amazing bunny people. If you haven't alreadyread the story about how her husband found the original three outside in the cold near his work and how much time he spent trying to capture them, take a moment to read it. Its a wonderful story. They have an amazing set up at their house. Each bun has lots of room and gets lots of love. I got my little girl Sherry from SRR. She is one of the many buns Julie has saved.She even drove to another city to rescue her from certain death. Sherry and her sister had been living in an aquarium with only corn cob bedding for three years and they were going to be pts.

This is Sherry:


This is Sherry with her partner Button. He came from the shelter Julie used to volunteer for before founding SRR. Julie helped me with his adoption as well as Pej's (the girl in my avatar) from that shelter.


I also had a foster girl ofJulie's named Gigi for about 6 months. Unfortunately I"m on my laptop right now and don't have a picture of her available. Gigirecently went toa most wonderful home! Julie is great at finding just the right placement for her bu

Julie- Order whenever you are ready :) I've replied to your Pm, and I really hope this is successful.

Haley- Those pictures are sooooooooooooo cute :D I'm just liaising with Julie about how payment is going to work, but thank you for your offer, it is in the mix, lol. I'll let you know the outcome.

Peg- How could I forget that, lol. I can of course put those on cards. If they are for a particular occasion other than Christmas then I can make them less Christmassy, and maybe instead of using black card use another colour to make it more appropriate. That wouldn't change the price, we can talk about what you want and how, and I'm sure I'll find a way to do it.

cmh9023- Looks like this post arrived just in time :) I'm going to be going to the post office today to get the postage costs, so I'll have that up later, and I will also put up when we have figured out how payment is going to work, but I don't have a problem with people ordering nowand thenpaying when that is set up (but if no one pays I'll hunt you down and beat you strongly with a pillow:p)

* * * *

If anyone has any questions then feel free to leave them here (as has already been done), but also, if anyone doesn't want to post publicly, then my e-mail box is always available for questions too :)

Another thing to add, if I am making Christmas cards for the UK, then the orders can go much later than anywhere else in the world, so bear that in mind when you are ordering. I'm going round the post office later so as well as finding out P&P costs,I will find out when the last posting days to the various countries (I'll do the obvious ones like US and AUS to start and if anyone from elsewhere wants them, I'll find out specifically) are for Christmas.

Given that Peg has mentioned about my poor Sky (aw), if people want to pick through my photobucket account for specific pics, then that's fine :) The link is on my website on the websites page :)
I'm going to measure some picture frames I have in my laundry room - I may need some "B" style to decorate - and thats a compliment!

What are the dimentions of the picture, including the boarder?
That's cool. The 'b' frame is 7.5cm by 9.5cm, that is inclusive of the photo, white border and black border. If you have a size that won't accommodate these sizes, then let me know what size you want, and I'll see what I can come up with :)
Prices. (don't hate me). This is for 5 cards, if you want less, I'll have to recheck, lol.


UK first class = 60p

UK second class = 50p

US = £3.00

AUS = £3.00

I'm so sorry it's so expensive to get them over seas.I wondered about bulk sending them to someone who could resend them on, but it's done by weight, so that wouldn't make a difference.

It's sucky and I'm sorry.
Thats not too bad, Flashy :)

Did you factor in a little extra so that a profit can be made to send to Julie?

So do you have paypal? Im excited!
Yup, I have agreed an amount with Julie that she will get from each card and I will haved minimal expenses plus the P&P.

I do have paypal, but I'm just waiting for Julie to get back to me. I'm not sure whether I will take the payments and then send on the donation to her, or she will take the payment and send the expenses to me. I'm not sure which seems most logical right now.
Does anyone mind if I put all this on my website too? I will link to the forum, and to SRR (until they are not the featured rescue). I just thought that I couldput my website addy on the back of the cards so it might reach a wider audience andI could keep selling cards, but for different rescues.

Would that be ok?
Ok. I will be collecting the money via my paypal account, and then sending on the donation part to Julie.

I've never used paypal to receive money though.I don't know how to do it, lol, and how to keep track of it.

Anyone want to give me a brief explanation?

Also, when people have placed their order, andI have accepted it and made the cards, I will then ask for the payment before sending the cards. Hope that sounds ok.
I'll PM you some info in a bit on how to link to your paypal account here on the forum. Then people pay you and it shows up in your account. Once you are done you can choose to have the paypal money sent to your checking account or they can send youa check.

Paypal does charge a small fee (around .06 %)so you might want to up the cost by like.50 or so to cover that. For instance, when someone sent me 50.00 for Randys it was 47.00 after the paypal fee.
Just so you get more of an idea.

This is a 'B' portrait.


This is a 'B' landscape.


And this is a hybrid of 'A' and 'B', lol, because I was experimenting.


Update RE paypal. I have registered a new paypal account especially for this, using a virtually empty account so that nothing gets confused. As soon as it is verified I'll let you all know :)

If you want to make orders before then, then go for it, that way your order will be in, and you can pay when its all up and running.
Flashy, I haven't had a chance and just wanted to tell you that I'm really glad you've come back to RO!


These cards you're doing are very pretty! btw.
Tracy could you do me a couple of cards with Badger on cause i love him majorly :biggrin2:i like the pic with his tongue out and could i have it in style A please. Also could you make me an A4 print of the learning to hump picture lol charge whatever it costs im gonna frame it :biggrin2:

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