The English Lops are fully grown at about 8months of age. The ears are generally at their full length by4 months of age and must have a minimum span of 21 inches to be shownin the US.
I get to judge them quite often -- cool rabbits
From the Guinness World Record Site:
Longest Ears on a Rabbit On November 1, 2003 theears of an English Lop called Nipper's Geronimo were measured at 79 cm(31.125 in) in a complete span at the American Rabbit BreedersAssociation National Show in Wichita, Kansas, USA. Nipper's Geronimo isowned by Waymon and Margaret Nipper of Bakersfield, California,USA.
It lists some names of people involved with lops in general (rabbitclubs)...maybe if you could find someone there to contact it might leadto a rabbit.
I was having the same problem finding Elops here in Canada. I didmanage to finally track down someone a few hours from me, and was on alist for two babies once the doe had them, but...turned out to be afalse start. So now I think I have found someone who will possibly sellme a trio this summer. (Keeping my fingers crossed.)
Keep persevering, I'm sure you will eventually find someone, somewhere, who can help you...