My female rabbit Fudgey (5 year old cross breed) was spayed 2 weeks ago. She has been on cage rest ever since, can she come out now? She jumps out of her cage and thats about a 6 inch jump will that be ok? :bunny24
I haven't heard of confining a rabbit for anymore than 14 days after getting fixed, so I would think that it would be ok. You could always call the vet just to be sure.
I had me guinea and miss piggy desexed at six months. Now 2yrs and 1 yr old. The vet said bring him back to remove stitches in 10 days. Stiches gone in two. Same with piggy. I did try to keep them quiet for a time . But my babies usually do what they want. Still going strong.
Did she have sutures that require removing or dissolvable ones? Normally after 14 days after a Spey they can resume their normal activities providing the incision site has healed nicely, no redness, discharge or swelling