fruit and veg

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Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Buffy doesnt eat any fruit or vegetables, i give her some carrot or some brocoli and it can be there for days and she wont touch it! I sometimes gives her apple and its the same she wont touch any of it! When we ran out of her usual food we got something else like this fruity stuff which she didn't eat, finally we found some of her normal food and she eats abit but not all of it.

So is she alright?
Is she still eating her hay? And is she producing poops? If she is not pooping you need to run her to the vet.

Other than that, I've found that bunnies, like humans like different food. My girl Merry likes strawberries, but Gandalf wont touch them and so on. Try different veggies with your bunny. I have found that all my rabbits like canned pumpkin, banannas (in moderation) and carrots (in moderation) so much that they will try to steal it from you.:DTry some red romaine lettus, cillantro or parsley too - they are big hits at my house.

As long as she's eating lots of hay and you're feeding her a decent Timothy or grass-based pellet, she'll be fine. My shed rescues had never seen veggies or fruit before and didn't want to try them. I think one or two of them ate some almost accidentally and decided they liked it. Now Darry is the biggeset veggie pig of them all. And my latest rescue, Sherry, was the same, it's taken her months to try a few nibbles. They all still preferpellets, though.

Bunnies can survive nicely on just good quality pellets or just on vegetables (although you have to feed them an awful lot of veggies to make up for a no-pellet diet). You'll find people passionately arguing for both schools of thought.

Mine are all on different diets according to individual needs -- one is on almost all veggies because she has minor urinary tract issues that I don't want to develop into anything more serious. Pipp is also onlimited mixed pellets formolar spurs in an effort to get her to eat more hay.Radar eats mostly hay, I guess ithelps him digest the carpet fibers. :disgust:

sas :)and the gang of five :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

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