Frozen Bunny Butts

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
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Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA
I was "lurking" on eBay the other day and sawthat a woman, in England, was selling ceramic tiles that she had sewncovers freeze, for rabbits. I cannot, for the lifeof me, find the darn things....and didn't put them on "my watchlist"! Anyhooooo, she was selling these things for 10pounds(almost $19 US). Was almost like 2 small tiles, sewn in asock. Last night, after looking at this weeks weather reportand seeing how hot it was going to be, I took 21, 9 inch flooring tiles& put them in the freezer. (I got a bunch of them ata garage sale. I hoard, everything.....someday, I might needit!!! LOL!!!) By 3pm this afternoon, it washot!!! I took some of the tiles & brought them to myoutside buns & Mr. Tibbs (to cool his nuts). Here arethe pictures of the buns that would pose! Boy...this was awonderful idea!!! They love them!

(top) Mr. Tibbs, cooling his freshly done neutered area. Mickey,hogging both his and Maizie's tiles & Miss Elizabeth[align=center]
Boo-Boo-Bear, nosing his tile.[/align] Dominique. She really likesit! Mitzie...she likes it, too!
What a wonderful idea! How long should I leavethe tiles in the freezer for? And how long do they stay cold after youput them in the rabbits cage?
I'll let you know about how long they staycold. I had them in the freezer about 15 hours before Ibrought them out. It should only take a couple of hours toget them cold. The buns sat or laid on them rightaway. I just went out to's been about an hour& a half since I put them in. The tiles arecool. They don't stay cold for as long as I would like but,no condensation to deal with and they take up less room in the freezerthan the bottles. Just have to switch them moreoften.
I have the ceramic tiles, butyou can see the air register blowing cold air from the airconditioner. Why don't you stack severaltilestogether so they stay cooler longer?


Rainbows! :)
I put them down so its cooler than the floor,specially those that are on plywood...them seem to love em. Idon't even freeze em, but the house is air conditioned, its still alotcooler than their floor!
Charlotte I just got tolaughing so hard ,poor Mr. Tibbs , Pack Rathuh you related t o my Mother inLaw by chance ? she is the sameway , god forbid she throwsomething out she may need in the future /.

Neat idea tho I wouldnt havethought of freezing them but Iam going to nowPoor Chaz would love somethinga bit bigger than a 2ltr bottle .

For Isis ( cause she wont chew) I use the big Blue IcePacks for coolers ,she just loves them , when ithas warmed to the point ofuseless she will fight with you over taking itaway long enough to refreeze, then will sit there patientlywaiting its return lol

Tim e for me to hitthe recycling center and tellthem to save me allceramic and tarracotta tiles .
dootsmom wrote:
LOL!!! I have 50 tiles in my freezer right now and30 Buns!!! I guess it's time to buy a Freezer, just for thebuns!
I have a critter freezer. It fits 3 5-gallon buckets whichare filled with the extra rabbit food, rat food and ferretfood. I keep enough upstairs to last between 1 and 2weeks. I have just enough room for the frozen bottles andextra treats and some frozen veggies for my lizards and extra lizardpellets. I might have to get some tiles. I've beenthinking I should get some, but I never would have thought of freezingthem.


One of my 5Brother in Laws gave me a 26 cubic ftfreezer just before the reallynasty weather set in and it has beena godsend , not on my light bill but forthe frozen bottles and such , he heI even have my sleeves ofItalian Ice in there for when i getheated cleaning lol .
I have the Blue Ice Packs too (and frozen bottles)....but, they take up so much room!
I've changed the tiles twice since this afternoon.....the rabbits seemto like them better than the bottles/packs. Dominique justsits on them (I think the old girl (9) is smiling), the restlay. I'm glad that Mr. Tibbs feels comfortable with themunder his tush. I think they'll be good for the girls whenthey get spayed, too.............Yes, Gypsy, I am a Pack Rat!You never know when you can "use that thing"!!!! LOL!!

No kidding they like it!!

Frozen Bunny Butts, ey? :ponder:

Gotta try it!


Give Mitzie, Mickey and Maizie a kiss from Helen and I. Can't wait to tell The Missus this one!

:sunshine: You can tell her that theyare doing fine. Mitzie is learing what to do with the litterbox:wink:. She'll have it down pat by the time I bring her infor the winter.
Maizie has discovered that her litter box is a great place toplay:disgust:. I'll have to get a higher one forthem. Mickey is such a love-bug!! Always comes togreet me and always wants pets. Maizie is a littlestand-offish but, she allows me to pet her...when she wants meto! Maizie loves her hay more than anything else.Everytime I look over at them, she has a mouthful of it.......justchewing away. Mitzie loves her carrots. I get"Bunny Butt" until I give her one....then, I am allowed to address HerHighness! Give Helen my Love:kiss:. Hope she isdoing well.


P.S. :love: for you, too.
Dear Dootsmom,

I spoke to Helen last night and she just melted when she heard thestory of the "frozen bunny butts". I promised her that I'dsend a picture of all the bunnies on their tiles.

She was thinking of Missy and Calbert being outside in the very hotweather and started worrying if they were going to be too hot, thinkingthat Buck would've brought them inside, yadda yadda yadda.She then changed her thinking because she knows they're in good handsand she can't go there. She was soooo happy to hear ofthis idea with the tiles. I strongly suspect she'll betelling Missy and Calbert's new family the great idea.

I will happily give her an update on the fun that they're having withyou. Helen was asking for you. She always followsit up with, "Oh, she's such a lovely person!" There wasn'tone person at the party that she doesn't just dote over when she hearsme speak of you all.

She and I both send our Love to you, Dear Heart. :kiss: :kiss:

What a terrific idea for the frozen tiles! Veryvery brillant. Over here where I live, the temperature has justgottenbazerk! High temps here and there. Just last Sunday thetemperature was just over 100 degrees! :shock:

Thanks for bringing up the cooling tiles topic. I'm sure outdoor buns would fancy these!

~ Katy
Just curious, how long will those tiles stay cool? :? I am guessing not that long...?

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