Frostie's color verified, REW evaluated...questionable...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
Well, Frostie if officially a frosted pearl-chocolate. :) The breeder liked Frostie's shoulders better than LaRew's, he liked LaRew's width better than Frostie's, but agreed that LaRew was a bit chopped in the hindquarters.

Now, he told me he usually culled his at 8 weeks, and said that what you saw then was what you'd have when they were older. Which goes against what I've heard every other breeder say. And, after telling me all of LaRew's faults, he said, "If you want to sell her, I want her." Now, why in the hell would you want an animal you basically spent half an hour saying it sucked?

Anyway, I thanked him and said if I decided to sell her, I'd let him know. Then he proceeded to tell me that's he's never paid more than $30 for a Flop. He was shocked that, in this area (and pretty much everywhere else I've seen Flops for sale!) went for $50 and up. I didn't want to appear rude, but I did tell him I wouldn't let her go for under $50.

So I think I'll hang on to her a bit longer and see if she fills out more. If not, Sonny has a huge hindquarters, and they might cross well together. I won't know unless I do a test breeding or two.

Oh! And he also said they were both very small. I was like, "HUH? They're just about too heavy for their junior class (they just turned 4 months old)." And he said his were a lot bigger. So not sure what to make of that, either. I don't see how they can be a lot bigger at 4 months and not get bumped out of junior weight.

I'm going to just keep plugging along, slowly and steadily, and see how things work out. :)
Maybe he was blowing smoke about his flops, and a loooot of breeders keep their babies till 3 months bc thats when they fill out from my experiance. ive seen mutt bunnies go for under 50...but good lines of purebreds go for 30-100 around here...even saw a netherland go for 230.
uh oh sounds like he has a hidden agenda lol. Chopped HQ in my tans is easy to fix with the right pairing but not all of them work. Some pairings make it worse. Try a test breeding and Sonny might fix it in the babies. Were you planning on keeping both anyways and try breeding at least once?
Sarah, that's what I thought. Especially when he offered to buy her after saying how horrible she was. LOL He looked at Frostie, but every time I put LaRew back in the carrier he got her out to look at her some more. He's got hundreds of Flops, so he might have kept looking at her to figure out which of his bucks to breed her to. Not really sure. In the horse world, if someone doesn't like the conformation of you horse they certainly don't turn around and offer to buy it from you. haha

I'm not sure about Sonny. He has really nice hindquarters, but I don't think he's throwing that on his babies. Now, I've only gotten two litters from him, and one litter is only 2 1/2 weeks old. However, Adeline's litter is now 5 weeks old. And, while you can't tell for sure what you have, I can see that they all seem to be lacking in the hindquarters. And 2 of them are flat, flat, the shoulders and hindquarters. Obviously I won't cull anything this early, but it does have me a bit worried.

Anyway, the plan is to breed LaRew and see what I get. Whether it's to Sonny or to Grump, I'm not sure now. Sonny has the best hindquarters of the 2 bucks, but that's not going to help if he doesn't throw it on the babies.

****erry is definitely the nicest of the 3 does from that litter, and will probably be bred to Grump. I have to breed Max this year yet (probably to Grump, too), those 3 Kitty has 3 Cal does that need bred shortly. UGH! And there are 2 of Rosa's that I really like, and one of them is a black buck. YAY!

So 7 does to breed in the next few months, no open holes, and my best buck won't go near a doe. Go figure. LOL
Sounds to me like he wants your bunny *raises eye brow*
If you do sell her I wouldnt sell her to him! Just because! lol

Good luck Wendy :)
Oh, don't worry...he doesn't pay what I get for my Flops. LOL

Kitty's showing all our rabbits in youth and open at the I'll get more judges' opinions and can go from there. Plus the shows start up again in the beginning of September. YAY!
hahahaha - sounds like he has that fine skill of "negging" down pat.
Snark on whatever it is that you want until the other person's confidence is shot, then offhandedly offer to redeem that negative quality by taking it on/ purchasing the item/ taking someone on a date.

Nice dodge ;)
Yeah, he certainly had that going on. LOL What's funny is he told me, when we were chatting on FB, that a lot of breeders will give negative feedback on a rabbit just so you'll sell it. Then he does it? Really? LOL And he even made a point, as we were leaving and I was resetting the GPS, to stop and roll down his window and say, "I'm serious. If you want to sell her, I'll buy her."

Some people really make you scratch your head!
What I would do with LaREw.
I know you were looking for advice and I can tell you what I do with my tans. The next show I go to I get a VERY UNBIASED opinion of the rabbit in question. Look at your herd and evaluate whether it's worth to keep. Remember us small breeders need to keep only top notch quality. The only reason we would keep subpar is if either parent died and we wanted to keep the line going.

I will either ask a judge who I KNOW loves and critiques my breed to the best of their knowledge (most judges know compact and lop breeds so you aren't at a disadvantage well at least here in texas you arent lol) Or go to another breeder that doesnt have a second agenda. Get someones honest opinion that you trust and see what they say. Ask if they were cramped for space would they keep it? I had to do this with some of my tans and am still doing it now with my two little chocolates who are very nice but i dont need a buck and people like him more than his sister.
See, that's part of my problem. I'm small AND new to the whole thing. Not a good combo. LOL

The main reason I didn't sell her (and still debating on whether to keep her) is because she has really nice shoulders and nice width. And that's something my Sonny buck is lacking...and Adeline. Sonny has better hindquarters, but I'm not sure he's going to pass those on (doesn't appear to have, on Ad's litter, yet). If he's going to sire crappy babies, and not bring anything to the breeding shed, he'll be out the door.

We have the fair shows coming up, but I think there's only 1 day with an ARBA judge and the other one is just a local guy. Not sure, and need to ask Kit's 4-H leader again. Then there's not another show until September.

The only French Lop breeder that I've met so far, and trust, is the one that I traded with. Her name is Michelle Potter, and she was VERY open and honest about what she thought of her stock. And she has limited holes too, so she knows how valuable space is.

Thanks for the idea! I'm going to see if she would be free towards the end of August. I'll offer to pay her for her time, and then she can help me sort through all of Adeline's litter, Rose's litter, and the ones I've kept so far. By then they'll be old enough to evaluate them. And I know I'll get an honest opinion.
If you can you could try her with Sonny, I would. I noticed that my buck Monster had slightly chopped HQ. I was always scared to breed him with another doe because when I bred him with my chopped HQ doe (the only one I had at the time) the babies turned out all to have chopped HQ. I bred him with another girl from the same breeding lines and I think they are going to compliment each other nicely. I wont know until the babies get bigger but I am liking what Im seeing.
I like to find one awesome pair and breed it over and over again because I like that I am guaranteed nice babies from that pairing. Each breeding is different and some work so well together and some not so much. You wont know until you try.

Good Luck! I am so excited and make sure to post posed pictures and what her comments were Id love to learn about FLops and critiques!! :) If you remember lol
I wish I could go and still Wilbur (the sire to Adeline's first litter). He and Adeline crossed very well, but there's no way she'll ever sell him. And no way I'd ask, after all the crap she's pulled. Once I find that perfect pair, my plan is to keep breeding them. Until then, it's a lot of pondering and guesswork. Some day...

I'll definitely remember, because you can bet your butt I'll be writing everything down so I don't forget anything. LOL And in between taking notes I'll be snapping those pictures. She might charge me more for the online tutorials. LOLOL

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