Thanks....this is a french lop 9 week old bunny. I keep my rabbits inside in the winter. She went to a boy that has his bunnies in a she so they are not in the elements, but no heat. Her ears got frostbitten the first night he had her. I am just trying to figure out if it happened because she was not used the cold, or because of her young age.
He did move her inside after the first night and is treating the ears after talking to the vet.
I just don't want to sell another baby to someone who keeps them in a unheated area during the winter if going from the warm to the cold was too much of a shock and that's why it happened.
I have had rabbits that have stayed out in hutches in the winter without having a problem. That is why I am trying to figure out if it was going from warm to cold or if it happened because she was young without a ton of fur on her ears. She was born outside and brought in in November so all in the litter seemed to have a thicker coat, but maybe the lost some of it when the moved inside.
Sorry to ramble on just trying to decide what I should tell people.