Freshening a wooden hutch

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Nov 21, 2011
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England, , United Kingdom
Are there any fresheners you can use on a wooden rabbit hutch, when I clean out my buns cage there is always a lot of wee seeping into the wood and this REALLY smells bad. I change his straw every 2 days to keep things as fresh as possible but it still isn't very nice.

Any suggestions on any cleaning products and pet friendly sprays I could use to keep things better? Also I may use scented wood shavings to help even more as the hutch is in my room.
Wood really isn't a good thing to have as the bottom of a cage. It does absorb the urine and it hard to clean.
I would totally clean out the hutch. Then scrub it with soap and water and rinse it really well (you may want to do this outside with the hose). Using some white vinegar an also be good, I would use this after rinsing the soap, but rinse after it too. Let it dry completely. You can then put some stick on tiles on the bottom of the hutch to make it easier to clean. There are other things you could use, just as long as they may it water tight. You may want to put the tiles along the walls as well. There are some that have wood type designs, so it can still look like wood.

I would not use any scented litters. They may smell nice to you, but your rabbit has to be on it all the time. Scented products can also cause respiratory problems. Even natural scents like cedar are harmful.
definitely white vinegar and water at a 50% ratio. Would have been nice to use a sealer on the wood first, but, that ship has sailed. One thing I did do was to put the litter box inside a cardboard box--it contains the urine and if it gets too soaked, I just get another.
I have a wooden hutch but my bun is litter trained, does your bunny use a tray? sometimes though, he does decide he wants to pee on the floor so I got a cheap picnic blanket with plastic backing and cut it to fit the bottom of the cage (plastic side down) and I also put a towel over the top.

Easier to clean the blanket than it is to clean the wood let me tell you. You can also put down a cheap yoga mat, easy to wipe with a cloth :)

I would steer clear of anything scented in case he licks it or eats it. Hope this helps :)

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